The Right Foods For Lazy Gut

The Right Foods For Lazy Gut
The Right Foods For Lazy Gut

Many people complain about the phenomenon lazy gut, or constipation. The percentage of women is always higher. Chronic constipation, the cause of intestinal laziness, is the result of poor nutrition and leads to disruption of the normal lifestyle and mood of the sufferer.

The solution to dealing with lazy gut is to eat the right foods to regulate digestion. As well as those that have laxative properties. These are cabbage, plums, pumpkins, carrots, quinces and apples. Another useful habit that a chronic constipation sufferer should acquire is to drink a maximum of two liters of water a day. The most suitable for them are mineral waters with low salt content. Before meals and especially in the morning on an empty stomach should drink a glass of lukewarm water to stimulate peristalsis.

Lazy gut
Lazy gut

Meals for this problem should be divided into several small portions for the day. It would be good to limit the consumption of animal products such as meat, sausages, cheese and yellow cheese.

Daily physical activity, or at least 2-3 times a week, will be of great benefit to you. Take a walk, swim or ride a bike - you will see the good result very soon.

Fruit shakes
Fruit shakes

Another reason for the lack of good digestion may be stress. Therefore, avoid stressful situations and be calm. Don't let anything distract you.

Another way to deal with intestinal laziness is to take laxative herbs, such as: hay, flaxseed, buckthorn. They should be used in moderation, combined with proper nutrition, because if you overdose they lose their effect.

Honey is also a cleanser that can be included in the daily menu. Take in the morning on an empty stomach, mixed with a warm glass of water and a few drops of lemon.

Lazy guts are an echo of our way of life. If we want to deal with them, changing eating habits is the key to success.
