The Health Benefits Of White Dudula

The Health Benefits Of White Dudula
The Health Benefits Of White Dudula

Herbs have been used for centuries in folk medicine. Their healing power is known to all herbalists, and most of the plants are widely used in pharmacy.

Along with famous herbs such as chamomile, thyme, sumac, lavender and many others, there are some that few have heard of. That's how it is white bagpipe, also known as white bubo or white mulberry.

Perhaps the most popular is with its last name, because in the past it was highly revered and defended by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers precisely because of its healing powers. Here's what it's important to know about the white bagpipe:

1. The white bagpipe or white mulberry is a tree whose roots are from East Asia. In Bulgaria it can be found both cultivated and wild. There are no special temperature preferences, which is why it can be seen in both the northern and southern parts of our country;

2. White mulberry reaches a height of about 15-30 m and has a majestic widely spreading crown. The leaves are serrated and its fruits acquire a white, pinkish or reddish color;

White Dudula
White Dudula

3. From white mulberry are used for medicinal purposes as the leaves and fruits, as well as the bark of the tree;

4. The leaves of the white dudula are harvested from April to May, when the tree has blossomed. They are dried in the shade and collected in paper bags, which are then stored in a ventilated place;

5. The fruits are used for medicinal purposes only in fresh condition. They are rich in pectose and pectin;

6. If you prepare juice from the fruits of white dudula, it will have a laxative and expectorant effect. In children, it is used for constipation. According to most herbalists, it is effective for bronchitis and colds;


7. Among recent studies, white dudula juice is particularly effective in diabetes, and a decoction made from its roots regulates menstruation;

8. If you want to do decoction of the leaves of white mulberry, you need to pour 2 tbsp. of them with 500 ml of boiling water. Leave to soak for at least 1 hour, after which the liquid is filtered and 100 ml of it is drunk 4 times a day before meals.
