White Wormwood - Essence, Benefits And Application

White Wormwood - Essence, Benefits And Application
White Wormwood - Essence, Benefits And Application

It is very good that you have stopped looking at such a title, but it is important to clarify that the following lines only apply wormwood herband not the aromatic alcoholic beverage white wormwood, which is a type of wine. Make no mistakes, as they say.

White wormwood, which you can also find as an ordinary wormwood, belongs to the complex flowering plants and is a semi-shrub plant that finds many applications in herbal medicine. It can be found everywhere in Bulgaria, but at no more than 1,600 meters above sea level.

It has a pronounced bitter taste and a very strong aroma, and because of its pleasant appearance and especially because of its beautiful yellowish flowers it is grown in many gardens. You can even grow it on your balcony.

White wormwood stimulates the appetite, stimulates the digestive system, protects the intestinal flora and acts effectively against any parasites. This is why it is known as the Stomach Friend.

White wormwood
White wormwood

Teas and decoctions are prepared from it, and the proportion is usually 1 tsp. white wormwood to 400-500 ml of water. An infusion is made, which after 20 minutes is ready for use. In order to excite the appetite, it is taken before meals.

It is interesting to add that due to the calming effect it has on the activity of the stomach, white wormwood it was once widely used against seasickness. Today we already have modern medicines that have displaced him from the field of view of those suffering from such problems.

The infusion of white wormwood works well in gastritis, as well as irregular menstruation, but the greatest application is to stimulate the appetite and against intestinal parasites.

White wormwood benefits
White wormwood benefits

You can also prepare a decoction of white wormwood, with which you can rub your mouth several times a day if you have bad breath. You can also tie a few twigs dry white wormwood and put them in your wardrobe, because its strong aroma (not very pleasant) repels moths.

C the use of white wormwood it should be approached very carefully and especially on prescription, because in large doses it is toxic. White wormwood essential oil is poisonous.
