Drinking Tea Regularly Protects Against Diabetes

Drinking Tea Regularly Protects Against Diabetes
Drinking Tea Regularly Protects Against Diabetes

For most of us, especially when it gets cold, the day is unthinkable without a cup of nice, fragrant and warm tea. Tea leaves have numerous health properties. Known for its caffeine effect, which gives you this instant energy, tea is also an excellent source of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are essential for the body because they help fight free radicals, which are known to increase the risk of cancer and heart disease.

These substances, which are found in tea, are known as polyphenols. According to a new study, polyphenols may also be useful in regulating blood sugar levels. The study shows that they can significantly lower blood glucose in the elderly, thus keeping diabetes away.

Polyphenols are the natural compound in tea. They have the ability to block the absorption of sugar in the blood, the study said. The findings, which appear in the Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, show that polyphenols significantly reduce the amount of glucose in adults who have entered the body after consuming carbonated beverages sweetened with sucrose.

With tea consumption, blood sugar levels fall at an unexpectedly fast rate. After water, tea is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world, and this new study complements already published studies showing that it is good for health and well-being, said the study's author, Professor Tim Ozel of Columbia University.

In fact, these polyphenols seem to lower the glycemic index - the relative ability of carbohydrate foods to raise blood glucose levels, Ozel added.

The team studied the effect of drinking tea on 24 participants, half of whom had normal blood sugar, while the other half were diagnosed with a pre-diabetic condition. The day before each test, both groups were asked to avoid exercise and eat moderately. They were given only a light, low-sugar dinner. The next morning, their blood samples were taken on an empty stomach.

The volunteers then drank a sugar drink, accompanied by a drink containing a high or low dose of tea polyphenols or a placebo. Additional blood samples were taken 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes later. The experiment was repeated three times with a difference of one week. The results showed that both doses of tea polyphenols showed the same significant suppression of blood sugar peaks.
