Dark Chocolate Protects Against Diabetes

Dark Chocolate Protects Against Diabetes
Dark Chocolate Protects Against Diabetes

Chocolate is one of the most popular and therefore the most preferred delicacies. Not only the taste makes it so coveted by young and old. In fact, consuming chocolate significantly lifts the mood, makes you feel calm and relaxed.

This is because the sweet temptation contains many natural stimulants - caffeine and theobromine. Chocolate speeds up the functions of your nervous system, and theobromine stimulates the body to release endrophins, which make you feel good.

In addition to helping to produce "happy" hormones, chocolate is increasingly being recommended as a healthy food by nutritionists. Cocoa, which is its main ingredient, contains antioxidants such as phenols and flavonoids.

These substances can lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol levels, and dissipate blood clots. This makes dark chocolate, which has the highest cocoa content, one of the healthiest foods for the human body.

A recent study by Italian and American scientists found that consuming dark chocolate can even reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.


Since it's so useful, why can't we eat chocolate with every meal? The reason for this is in the addition of the so-called "bad" fats and {sugar] in chocolate products, which are harmful to both your health and your waistline. It is therefore recommended that it be taken less frequently and in smaller amounts.

You should not consume more than 25 grams of chocolate per day. This equates to approximately six small squares or half a bar of chocolate.

Stick to dark types of chocolate, as they are the richest in cocoa. Milk chocolate contains twice less of the useful ingredients of dark chocolate. White chocolate does not contain any antioxidants.
