How To Preserve Turkey Meat

How To Preserve Turkey Meat
How To Preserve Turkey Meat

If you want to keep any meat for a long time, the easiest way to do this is by sterilizing it in jars or cans. Due to the fact that meat can develop microorganisms that can withstand temperatures higher than 100 degrees, it is preferable to sterilize in jars or cans meat in saline solution.

Depending on the can that will be made, some preparatory operations are performed: The meat must first be deboned and then the veins, if any, removed. Boning is done by cutting the meat, removing all the bones.

From the bones and the meat left on them, a broth is made, which is poured over the jars or cans. The removal of veins is done with the help of a sharp knife. The parts that are removed are also used for broth. Once the meat is deboned and without veins, it is blanched in boiling water.

In some cases, the meat can be fried in hot fat. When blanching is done in water, the meat is cut into pieces up to 500 g, and the ratio between meat and water is 1: 1. Some of the fats and soluble ingredients of the meat are released into the water, which together with the water form a broth.

Poultry in jelly can be prepared from chicken, goose or turkey. The slaughtered bird is cleaned of feathers, some of the entrails that are unfit for use are removed, and the head, legs and some entrails that are fit for consumption are used as broth.

How to preserve turkey meat
How to preserve turkey meat

The meat is cut into portions as for cooking, placed in a pot with hot water, which barely covers it, and boiled until semi-finished, along with vegetables for soup - onions, carrots, parsley, celery, spices and salt. The half-cooked meat is arranged in jars and poured with strained, boiling broth, in which 1 gelatin per liter is added.

The jars are closed and sterilized at 105 degrees for 120 minutes for 1 liter jars and 100 minutes for 500 ml jars.
