Foods That Save Us From Heartburn

Foods That Save Us From Heartburn
Foods That Save Us From Heartburn

Stomach acids are not dangerous, but the sensation they cause is not pleasant at all. However, there are several foods that can effectively save us from heartburn.

Foods rich in calcium

Their calcium has the ability to reduce the secretion of stomach acids and therefore foods that are rich in this mineral effectively help with the problem. Such foods are milk, broccoli, kale and other dairy products such as cottage cheese.

Calcium-rich foods can be combined with potassium-rich foods to affect stomach acids more quickly. A similar combination is milk and honey.

Milk with honey
Milk with honey

Fish and other seafood

Fish, squid, shrimp, mussels and other seafood are rich in taurine acid, which easily handles stomach acids. Just like calcium, taurine helps limit acids.

Raw fruits and vegetables

Raw fruits and vegetables are full of enzymes that reduce stomach acidity. Vegetables should be eaten raw, because if they are subjected to heat treatment, they will change their alkaline content, which handles stomach acids.

Whole grain products


Products such as quinoa, amaranth and millet have a high content of potassium, which relieves stomach acidity. These products are also rich in protein, B vitamins, calcium and other useful ingredients that are very important for people who often suffer from heartburn.

Practice shows that stomach acids can be successfully treated with lemon and vinegar. Melon is also very useful in removing the unpleasant sensation.

The main foods that cause these problems are oranges, coffee and chocolate. Alcohol and carbonated beverages are also a safe remedy for heartburn.

People who regularly have such problems need to completely change their diet. Acid-inducing products must be excluded from their menu, and exercise and stress reduction must be a daily routine.
