Get Rid Of Heartburn And Acid Reflux Quickly And Efficiently

Get Rid Of Heartburn And Acid Reflux Quickly And Efficiently
Get Rid Of Heartburn And Acid Reflux Quickly And Efficiently

It has happened to everyone acids. This is an unpleasant burning sensation that starts from the lower esophageal sphincter in the stomach. These problems can occur with a full stomach (overeating), exercise (lifting weights), pressure. In addition to these examples, we can mention the overall malnutrition, disease, drinking carbonated beverages and coffee on an empty stomach.

To get rid of heartburn, you can buy some medicine from the pharmacy, but it is clear to everyone that natural is the best. That is why we will now offer you several ways to efficiently and quickly dealing with heartburn and acid reflux.

1. Chewing peas, walnuts, sunflower seeds - the important thing here is that the products are raw, not roasted or cooked. The other important thing is not to salt them, because salt can irritate the stomach even more;

Get rid of heartburn and acid reflux quickly and efficiently
Get rid of heartburn and acid reflux quickly and efficiently

Photo: Sevdalina Irikova

2. Kefir or yogurt - because of lactobacilli they maintain the balance of the intestinal flora and soothe the stomach;

3. Spices - mainly spices that stimulate the stomach and relieve stomach cramps. It is best to keep the spices fresh so that you can get the most out of them. These spices include:

Get rid of heartburn and acid reflux quickly and efficiently
Get rid of heartburn and acid reflux quickly and efficiently

- cardamom;

- mint;

- cloves;

- basil;

- ginger;

- cumin.

4. Bananas - Bananas contain high levels of potassium. Potassium, in turn, also relieves the stomach by reducing acidity and preventing the harmful effects of acids. Bananas must be well ripened so that the potassium in it is in maximum quantities;

Get rid of heartburn and acid reflux quickly and efficiently
Get rid of heartburn and acid reflux quickly and efficiently

5. Give up alcohol and carbonated beverages - they are extremely irritating to the mucous membranes and cause heartburn and pain;

6. Eat at least 3-4 hours before bedtime so that your stomach is not overloaded;

7. Clothes are also important because if they are too tight in the stomach area, it causes the secretion of gastric juices. That is why it is good to wear loose clothes without accessories, so that there is no pressure in the stomach area.

8. It is good to have soft cheeses in your menu so that the acidity in the stomach can be balanced, as well as other dairy products. The reason for the relief is the lactose they all contain.
