What To Eat For Heartburn

What To Eat For Heartburn
What To Eat For Heartburn

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The main things that healers recommend for heartburn are a few. The main food to be consumed is boiled onions, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled okra as a salad, cauliflower. In general - easily digestible foods. Separately, the feet should be washed every night to the knees with warm water.

The causes of heartburn are increased secretion of gastric juice with higher acidity. This is most common in people with an irritated stomach lining from tobacco, alcohol and irritating foods. People suffering from gastritis and ulcers also have complaints of heartburn. In rare cases, some neurotic conditions may be accompanied by such manifestations.

The symptoms usually appear after eating. Heaviness, burning under the spoon and behind the sternum, persistent sour belching, and sometimes nausea and vomiting are hours of symptoms.

In order to protect ourselves, nutrition should be done in the right way first, and in case of suspicion of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, the measures should be timely.

Olive oil
Olive oil

The treatment that should be applied is according to the level of increased acidity. In healing folk medicine, it is recommended to make enemas of the patient one or two evenings, warm, about 39 ° C, with a spoonful of baking soda.

Internal treatment is optional - one or two of the exposed means:

Red potato juice. Fresh, well-peeled potatoes are cleaned well with cold water and, if possible, with a brush, planed, and then pressed. The juice that is obtained is a milky-brown liquid with an unpleasant taste. Take undiluted before or with food 100 g - 4-5 times a day.

Cabbage juice. It is prepared and used in the same way as red potato juice.


Decoction of blue cinquefoil. One tablespoon of the herb is brewed as a tea with 200 g of boiling water. Drink one cup of coffee 1 hour before eating.

Chickpeas. It is swallowed raw, whole grains. The first day - one grain, the second - two and so on until the tenth. Then continue in the same sequence, but vice versa, until you get to one again. If the whole grain is uncomfortable to swallow, it can be chewed.

A quarter of an hour before a meal it is recommended to take a spoonful of pure olive oil (not oil).


Switch to a light, natural diet, almost salt-free.

The following are prohibited: irritating and rough foods, especially fried, coffee, alcohol, spices, sour and spicy.

Mineral water has a healing effect. Regular eating is a must. The most suitable are light pasta, vegetable purees, walnuts, almonds, rice, potatoes, but all - well chewed.

Fresh corn popcorn is highly recommended because it takes away acids. After lunch and dinner you can eat a boiled potato with a little lemon, and then drink a cup of milk or warm water mixed with a teaspoon of charcoal powder.
