Yellow Carob

Yellow Carob
Yellow Carob

The yellow carob / Hydnum repandum / is a species of basidiomycete that belongs to the family Hydnaceae. It is widespread in Asia, North America, Australia and Europe. This type of mushroom is available in supermarkets in Mexico and Canada. The yellow carob is widespread in our country as well. It is also known as sheep's foot, yellow roe deer and yellow roe deer. In English-speaking countries it is called sweet tooth, hedgehog mushroom and wood hedgehog. In Russia it is known as blackberry yellow.

The hat of the yellow carob is colored white or yellow. It is distinguished by its irregular shape. At first it is slightly curled, but over time it becomes flat. Its diameter can reach 13-15 centimeters. It has a dry surface, and in older specimens even small cracks are observed. The stump reaches a height of 6 to 8 centimeters. It has the shape of a cylinder. It is painted white.

The flesh of Hydnum repandum is colored white, and in older members of the species begins to turn yellow. It is edible, but tastes slightly bitter. It is thick and firm, but still brittle. It has a subtle characteristic odor. The lamellae of the yellow carob resemble needles. They cover the bottom of the cap. They are colored white. They are relatively easy to remove from mushroom meat. When the mushrooms are still young, they are almost invisible.

Collection of yellow carob

The collection of yellow carob, as well as that of other mushrooms, should be done only by experienced mushroom pickers. The danger of making a mistake is not great, but still this endeavor should not be underestimated.

The season for collecting this type of mushroom starts in June and ends in October, when temperatures begin to fall. The yellow carob grows in both deciduous and coniferous forests. It occurs alone or in groups, coming from the ground. It is usually found around shady trees.

The yellow carob it can hardly be confused with another species, as it has characteristic thorns. However, there are species that can mislead inexperienced fungi. This is the so-called goat's foot / H. Rufescens /, which can be found in the same places as Hydnum repandum and also has needles. The goat's foot, however, differs from the yellow carob in its smaller body. In addition, the cap and needles of this species are colored orange. The goat's foot is also picked and consumed.

Other species that have needles are Auriscalpium vulgare and Creolophus cirrhatus. The first type is characterized by brown color and small body. In the past it was consumed, but today it is rather avoided by mushrooms. Creolophus cirrhatus is found on the stumps of deciduous trees. It is not poisonous, but also its consumption is not very common in the country.

Cooking yellow carob

The meat of the yellow carob is suitable for consumption. As we have already understood, it has no special smell, but with a slight bitter note. It is also nutritious and delicious. However, in order to prepare it properly, you need to pay attention to some features. Hydnum repandum is suitable for consumption while the meat is fresh and white. Then the mushroom should not find a place on your table.

Yellow carob mushroom
Yellow carob mushroom

Before being subjected to heat treatment, the cap of the sponge must be peeled off the needles, as this reduces the bitterness of the meat. Once the sponge is cleaned, it must be subjected to prolonged cooking. To get rid of the bitter taste, some chefs boil the meat with lemon juice.

The mushroom is especially suitable for frying and cooking. It can be used in various casserole dishes, stews and soups. A positive quality of its thick meat is that after heat treatment it does not shrink significantly. In French cuisine the use of yellow carob is very popular.

It can act as a main course, but can also be used as a side dish to meat products or fish. It can be seasoned with all kinds of sauces (spicy ones are an ideal option) and added to all kinds of salads. In Russia, the mushroom is most often eaten fried, combined with onions and cream.

We offer you a recipe with yellow carobwhich is very suitable for people who want to strengthen their immunity:

Necessary products: 400 g yellow carob, 1 avocado, 1 stalk green onion, 4 tablespoons sour cream, 1 teaspoon sprouts, 1 stalk parsley, 1 stalk dill, lemon juice, olive oil, salt to taste

Method of preparation: The mushrooms are cleaned and washed. Boil in boiling salted water. Add a little lemon juice. Then drain and fry in hot fat until completely soft. Place in a bowl and mix with the diced avocado and cream. Add the chopped onion, parsley and dill. The sprouts are also added. Season the salad and mix well.

Benefits of yellow carob

It turns out that the yellow carob has quite useful properties. It successfully fights staphylococci and other similar bacteria. In Chinese folk medicine, various decoctions are prepared from the mushroom. It is also included in some compresses. According to folk healers, the infusion prepared from the amazing mushroom is able to cure even severe and prolonged depression.

Consumption of cornea has a strengthening effect on the whole body, but mostly supports the nervous and respiratory systems. It also favors the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In some countries, ointments are made from the sponge, which are placed on problem skin. They have a nourishing and restorative effect.
