They Replace Yellow Cheese With Gouda Cheese

They Replace Yellow Cheese With Gouda Cheese
They Replace Yellow Cheese With Gouda Cheese

In the local shops they massively replace the yellow cheese with Gouda cheese, as the price of the Dutch dairy product is much lower than the familiar yellow cheese.

Although it is offered at attractive prices for consumers, such as BGN 6-7 per kilogram, the taste of Gouda cheese does not resemble yellow cheese at all.

The fraud of the native food chains was reported by the Association of Dairy Producers in Bulgaria. Its chairman, Dimitar Zorov, told the media that traders were violating the law drastically by writing yellow cheese on the labels of Dutch cheese.

The delusion is only through the label, as consumers buy the cheese at its actual equivalent value. This explains the serious difference in the prices of yellow cheese.


The Association of Dairy Producers adds that European products are widely sold in local stores, replacing their name with the more familiar to Bulgarians foods.

The reason for this is that Western goods are cheaper than what is produced in our country and customers quickly buy them, deceived that they will eat Bulgarian food.

The quality of European products is not checked, as they are imported from member states of the European Union.

Producers of these products are undercutting the prices of domestic companies because they are trying to clear the quantities left over due to the ban on exports to Russia.


After the imposed embargo, the market in our country was flooded with foreign products, and according to preliminary data, 80% of the dairy products we eat are imported.

Only 20-30% of the cheese we buy is a real and quality product, commented Dimitar Zorov from the Association of Milk Processors.

In order to protect Bulgarian production, the Association of Dairy Producers and the National Association of Dairy Producers launched the Buy Bulgarian campaign.

Within this campaign, traditional dairy products with the typical Bulgarian sourdoughs will be produced. They will be sold with a green inscription Buy Bulgarian.
