Hippocrates Considered Sage A Sacred Herb

Hippocrates Considered Sage A Sacred Herb
Hippocrates Considered Sage A Sacred Herb

We have often heard that sage is an herb for centenarians. This sensual plant can cure any disease. In addition, growing sage you get a beautiful garden decoration.

Legends describing the immeasurable positives of sage date back to before Christ. Its name comes from Latin - salveo (translated health, healing).

Sage or sage, thyme, locust bean or bozhigrobski basil is a low shrub grown as a garden flower and spice. It blooms in bright purple small flowers in summer. The healing properties are hidden in the leaves of the plant. Interestingly, the aroma of the herb comes exactly from them, not from the flowers.

One of the most famous authors of antiquity, Hippocrates, revered the sage and spoke with reverence for it. He considered it a sacred herb and recommended it for infertility. It has been established that this property was used after the mass death in Ancient Egypt, as a result of epidemics. At that time, every woman was obliged to take sage to improve her reproductive abilities and help save the family.


One of the most popular legends about sage is associated with the first moments of the life of Christ. When King Herod's army pursued Joseph and Mary, they hid the baby among the blossoming sage by the roadside. Thus their child was saved, and the sage acquired its miraculous healing abilities. In later years, during the Middle Ages, the plant was used to treat plague.

Today it is established that regular intake of sage tea has a number of positive effects. This strengthens the whole body, prevents apoplectic strokes and treats paralysis. Apart from lavender, the plant is the only one that helps with night sweats.

Tea has a beneficial effect on diseased liver and gas. It purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, fights any intestinal disorders and promotes the excretion of sputum from the respiratory tract and stomach.

Modern medicine evaluates the benefits of sage and successfully uses it in the treatment of spasms, diseases of the spinal cord, glands and limb tremors. Apart from internally, sage is also applied externally, mainly for inflammations of the oral cavity, teeth and tonsils.
