Lunar Diet

Lunar Diet
Lunar Diet

The lunar diet will save you three kilograms in just six days. The average daily calorie intake is 760 calories. This diet is periodic. It lasts six days, but must be repeated at each full moon.

The idea of the lunar diet is to starve in the periods when the body most effectively responds to the reduction of calories in the menu. This happens during the full moon and less so during the new moon.

The diet begins three days before the full moon and lasts three days after it. In fact, the full moon is the fourth day of the diet.

During the first day of the diet, only raw or steamed vegetables are consumed. The use of vinegar, salt and olive oil is not allowed, only vegetables without spices are consumed.

Lunar diet
Lunar diet

During the second day of the diet, only fresh pineapples are consumed, nothing else. There is no limit to the amount of pineapples, but without sugar they are not as attractive in large quantities.

On the third day of the lunar diet, only boiled mushrooms and other types of mushrooms of your choice are consumed.

On the fourth day, no food is forbidden. Only freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices can be drunk. Only banana nectar drinking is not allowed. You can drink water and green tea without restriction.

During the fifth day, only pineapples are consumed again, but fresh and without limit in quantity. During the sixth day, only boiled mushrooms are consumed.

During the lunar diet, the body is cleansed of toxins due to the unlimited consumption of fluids and the normalization of water-salt metabolism.

The advantage of the lunar diet is that it normalizes metabolism along with the loss of extra pounds. The diet is highly effective and at the same time very short.

The disadvantages of the lunar diet lie in the fact that it must be repeated at each full moon. In addition, it deals a serious blow to the body due to the lack of variety of products, so it should not be observed for more than six days.
