Lose Weight Long-term By Eating On A Lunar Calendar

Lose Weight Long-term By Eating On A Lunar Calendar
Lose Weight Long-term By Eating On A Lunar Calendar

The lunar calendar and the diet according to it is suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight with a little effort. Eating on the lunar calendar is easy, does not require deprivation, it is efficient and most of all - useful.

The moon acts equally strongly on the earth's oceans and seas, as well as on the water of the Earth in general, including that in our body. The human body is made up of almost 70% water.

During one base day of the lunar cycle, only spring or mineral water, tea sweetened with honey, or another natural sweetener and fresh fruit juices can be consumed. Any food, alcohol, coffee or cigarettes are prohibited.

This is a basic regimen that is applied by people who have decided to cleanse themselves of harmful toxins. It is held for 24 hours and must be combined with the new moon or full moon. During this day you can lose 2-3 kilograms thanks to the discarded toxins.

The lunar calendar meal is a continuation of the basic regime. It changes relative to the other phases of the moon.

With a rising moon, you can eat everything. During this period, the body is in the process of absorption and burns many more calories than usual. Of course, you should not overdo it with sugar and sweets. Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Moon calendar
Moon calendar

The next period is that of the full moon. This is a detox regime. On the day of the full moon phase and the two days before and after it is good to bet on a monodiet - eat only one type of natural food, such as apples, carrots or eggs. Intake of plenty of water is also mandatory.

When the moon shrinks, comes the period of weight loss. It lasts about 10 days, during which the weight melts extremely easily. To help your body, take detoxifying foods and fiber. Avoid red meat and anything that contains starch.

The period of the New Moon is for deep purification of internal organs and skin. It is good to bet on the monodiet again this day. Radishes and nettles are recommended to help cleanse.

In the remaining months, the lunar calendar looks like this:

October 2015

October 5, 2015 - 00:07:15 - Last quarter

October 13, 2015 - 03:07:02 - New Moon

October 20, 2015 - 23:32:30 - First quarter

October 27, 2015 - 15:06:15 - Full Moon

November 2015

November 3, 2015 - 14:24:59 - Last quarter

November 11, 2015 - 19:48:21 - New Moon

November 19, 2015 - 08:28:33 - First quarter

November 26, 2015 - 00:45:18 - Full Moon

December 2015

03 December 2015 - 09:41:35 - Last quarter

December 11, 2015 - 12:30:30 - New Moon

December 18, 2015 - 17:15:27 - First quarter

December 25, 2015 - 13:12:31 - Full Moon.
