Lunar Diet For July

Lunar Diet For July
Lunar Diet For July

July is already here and it's time to learn the days when the stars protect and help detoxify the body. At the beginning of each month, anyone who wants to be beautiful and healthy should record the phases of the moon in their calendar.

With the beginning of each of the phases of the Moon we get the opportunity to observe the 24-hour lunar regime. An effective and short-term, liquid diet begins when the Moon enters one of its four major lunar phases and ends 24 hours later.

When one of these phases begins, no solid food should be eaten. Only freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, tea and spring water are allowed. The drinks, if necessary, are sweetened with honey. Sugar is forbidden.

Lunar days expel excess fluids from the body. Drinking more water and teas stimulates kidney activity and helps detoxify the body. Fresh juices strengthen the immune system.

The lunar diet lasts 24 hours and loses up to one kilogram of weight, which is maintained and does not return. After it is over, you should bet on light meals, vegetables and fruits, as well as a moderate amount of meat. Stay away from fried and pasta foods that are not suitable for the summer months anyway.

Let the fish and light meat be grilled, and the vegetables are best raw or steamed. Only in this way will the body retain the benefits of a 24-hour dynamic diet. The regimen does not provide for such a thing, but nutritionists still recommend having a week or two of fluids each week.

The moon
The moon

Here are the phases of the Moon in which you should start your 24 hour cleansing regime:

July 1, 2017 - 3:52 am - first quarter;

July 9, 2017 - 07:08 - full moon;

July 16, 2017 - 10:38 pm - last quarter;

July 23, 2017 - 12:26 pm - new moon;

30.07.2017 - 18:57 - first quarter.
