Delicious Appetizers With Yellow Cheese

Delicious Appetizers With Yellow Cheese
Delicious Appetizers With Yellow Cheese

Yellow cheese is very popular as a tasty and nutritious product and chefs often include it in a number of dishes. And when it comes to making sandwiches and appetizers and side dishes, yellow cheese is really indispensable. Here we will offer you two interesting recipes for delicious appetizers with this amazing dairy product.

Appetizer with yellow cheese

Required products: 3 pcs. eggs, 200 g butter, 200 ml. cow's milk, flour type 500, 100 g 200 g yellow cheese, 100 g ham, 1 tsp. sol.

Method of preparation:

Knead the dough from the flour, butter and salt, adding a glass of water. Leave it for a few hours in the refrigerator, then spread it on the bottom of the pan in which it will be baked. Mix the eggs with the milk and add the grated yellow cheese and the ham, which you have previously cut into small pieces. Add a teaspoon of flour and mix well again. Pour this mixture over the dough and bake in a moderate oven. Then cut it and serve while it is still warm.

Delicious appetizer of yellow cheese

Necessary products: mayonnaise, 200-300 g. yellow cheese, 150g. cheese, a piece of fresh sausage, pickles, olives.

Steaks with yellow cheese and tomatoes
Steaks with yellow cheese and tomatoes

Method of preparation:

Boil water in a saucepan. Wrap the yellow cheese in gauze and let it boil in boiling water for about ten minutes. Then take it out, unroll the gauze and roll out the hot yellow cheese. The thickness of the bark should be about 10 mm. On this crust, start sprinkling the cheese first, then the piece of fresh sausage, which you have previously cut into small pieces.

Then add the finely chopped pickles. Peel the olives and cut them into very small pieces. Finally, pour the filling with mayonnaise, taking care to distribute it evenly over all products. Carefully roll the roll and leave it in the refrigerator to cool. Serve cut into thin slices.
