Sugar Addiction

Sugar Addiction
Sugar Addiction

Sugar addiction can be as dangerous as any other type of addiction, such as alcohol or drugs.

Sugar is not just in sweets, such as cakes, chocolates and biscuits. It is available in almost all foods - in bread and snacks, and in everything made from white flour.

That is why it is difficult to avoid its use. Sugar, which is in milk and fruit, is healthy and does not cause harm, because our body can process it easily. Addiction is associated with white sugar, which is used in various foods.

Excessive it leads to such health problems as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Sugar has the ability to temporarily increase our energy and in many cases this leads to physical and mental dependence. The body gets used to consuming sugar in situations such as depression, anxiety or phobia.

The effect in such cases is that his body needs more sugar to cope with stress. The moment sugar is consumed in such situations, a person feels more energetic, but as soon as blood sugar levels are reduced, he begins to feel tired.

Sugar addiction - symptoms

The symptoms of sugar addiction are not universal and if only one of them is observed, it does not mean that a person is addicted. However, if you notice more than two of the following, the situation should be taken seriously and a nutritionist should be consulted as soon as possible.

• Anxiety: If you do not eat foods containing sugar, at the end of the day you begin to feel restless.

• Fear, depression: eat foods containing sugar when you are depressed or sad. Immediately after taking them you feel relief.

• Diet: much of your appetite is focused on sweets. You like to eat them all day long. If they are not at hand, you panic. You try to reduce the amount of sweets, but the result is headache, anger, fear and bad mood.

Sugar addiction - treatment

Sugar addiction
Sugar addiction

To escape this addiction, you must be determined, confident and have a lot of self-control, as it is necessary to completely change your lifestyle. Listed below are some steps you can follow to help cure this addiction.

• Food Awareness: Whenever you buy food, make sure it has sugar content. Strictly avoid products that are high in sugar.

• Homemade food: Avoid eating out and focus on eating homemade foods without sugar.

• Use sugar substitutes: You can use honey as it has many health benefits.

• Reduce alcohol: Alcohol is made up of sugar, so reduce it.

• Diet: Do not include white flour or potatoes in your diet. They have the same amount of sugar as refined sugar. Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits. You can include sweet potatoes, brown rice and red potatoes. Eat foods rich in protein, as this stabilizes blood sugar levels.

• Water: Water is a vital component for a healthy body. Drinking plenty of water will reduce your craving for sugar. However, avoid fruit juices.

• Deal with some favorite desires: Whenever you get tired of something sweet, engage in some other activity, such as watching a favorite movie or listening to your favorite music. You can take sugar after your main meal, as it has less effect on blood sugar levels.

Sugar addiction can cause serious health problems. Precautions are always better than cure. Recovering from sugar addiction can be a long process that requires the support of family and friends.
