Kudzu Root Cures Alcoholism, Hangover And Nicotine Addiction

Kudzu Root Cures Alcoholism, Hangover And Nicotine Addiction
Kudzu Root Cures Alcoholism, Hangover And Nicotine Addiction

Kudzu is a plant of the legume family. Its roots, flowers and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. The roots contain carbohydrates diazin and diazein, a lot of starch. The leaves contain flavonoids, including isoflavone pserarin, buds and leaves - butyric and glutamic acids, asparagine, adein and flavonoid robinin, seeds - alkaloids, histidine, kaempferol, sucrose, glucose, fructose, protein.

The isoflavins of Kudzu root participate in redox processes, reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries, have bactericidal stimulating action, have anti-inflammatory action.

Diazine and diazein contained in the roots of Kudzu, reduce the need for alcohol. In addition, Kudzu is able to relieve febrile conditions, remove toxins from the body (especially in the case of alcohol poisoning) and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Modern research confirms the safety and effectiveness of the extract from the roots of Kudzu in eliminating the painful desire for alcohol and it is assumed that the substances contained in it stimulate the production of alcohol dehydrogenase.

Smoking and alcohol abuse have a strong destructive effect on the human body. Alcoholism is a serious disease in which psychosomatic dependence on alcohol occurs, which occurs for various reasons and is accompanied by toxic damage to the liver, brain and other organs.

It disrupts metabolic processes and the appearance of deficiencies of biologically active substances, because alcohol and its decomposing components can remain in the body for up to two weeks.

Alcohol in the body is broken down by a special enzyme - alcohol dehydronase, water and carbon dioxide.


Kudzu root can help with:

- Suppresses the desire for alcohol. Delays the development of physical dependence on alcohol. Reduces alcohol intoxication. Eliminates hangover syndrome;

- Adaptagenic, antioxidant, hepatoprotective action;

- Reduces blood glucose levels, increases carbohydrate tolerance, restores insulin production (type 1 and 2 diabetes);

- Reduces high blood pressure, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, improves heart function;

- Improves cerebral circulation, helps with headaches and tinnitus;

- Kudzu root prevents the development of premenstrual syndrome, dyshormonal hyperplasia in women (mastopathy, fibroids), breast cancer. Improves metabolic processes in bone tissue, prevents osteoporosis.

In what diseases is Kudzu root used?

- Addiction to alcohol and nicotine;

- Hangover syndrome;

- Depression;

- Improving the quality of sleep;

- Type 1 and 2 diabetes;

- Hypertension;

- Atherosclerosis and especially its cardiac manifestations;

- Headache and tinnitus;

- Mastopathy, fibroids, prostate adenoma;
