Diet Against Slingshots

Diet Against Slingshots
Diet Against Slingshots

Slingshots are those unnecessary accumulations around the waist, also called "love handles". The larger number of fat cells in the area contributes to their formation. The bad thing is that they melt last, in any diet and exercise. Due to this common phenomenon are visibly thin women who still have slings.

The solution to the problem of slingshots lies in what we eat. Sweet food bothers me the most. It must be stopped completely. The same is the case with pasta, and jam with dough would be a terrible combination, instantly sticking a new layer on the slings.

Removing the slings is difficult and therefore requires a diet. It contains mainly legumes, as they have the highest levels of protein, while also containing good carbohydrates.


Breakfast: 3 tbsp. oatmeal and 2 tbsp. raisins soaked in a little boiling water;

Lunch: Lentils / peas stew, fat-free, with all kinds of vegetables, salad;

4 p.m.: 50 grams of raw pumpkin seeds;

Dinner: Bean stew without fat, with all kinds of vegetables, salad.

This diet is a shock to the body and is applied while you endure. Even if it's only three days, don't worry - there will be a result.

After fasting, go to the following:

Breakfast: 3 tbsp. oatmeal with 100 grams of cow's cheese, drizzled with a little boiling water;

Weight loss
Weight loss

Lunch: Non-greasy grilled meat, boiled broccoli / green beans, salad;

4 p.m.: 2 boiled eggs with salt;

Dinner: Non-greasy grilled meat, boiled broccoli / green beans, salad.

However, diet alone is not enough to eliminate flatulence. You also need some physical activity. Slingshots are well influenced by tae-bo, fitness, callanetics and a certain sport in general, which non-stop creates a certain stress for the body, which in turn burns fat.

But be careful about the exercises used. For example, if you only do abdominal exercises, you will not burn slings, but you will tighten your abdominal muscles, which will be invisible under the layer of fat. A complete workout of all muscle groups is needed. This way you lose weight completely.
