Retirees Were Poisoned With Mushrooms

Retirees Were Poisoned With Mushrooms
Retirees Were Poisoned With Mushrooms

An elderly family was poisoned on Friday night with mushrooms they picked themselves near the Blagoevgrad village of Leshko. The pensioners are accommodated in MHAT-Blagoevgrad.

The pensioners, aged 67 and 69, were admitted on Friday evening in the intensive care unit of the multi-profile Blagoevgrad hospital with clear symptoms of food poisoning.

The elderly people told the doctors that they picked dandruff mushrooms during the day, then cooked and ate them.

Two or three hours later, vomiting began.

Cooking Mushrooms
Cooking Mushrooms

The medics at the Blagoevgrad Hospital found that the pensioners had been poisoned with mushrooms and had an upset stomach.

At the moment, the condition of the spouses is stable and they are expected to be discharged from the hospital within days.

At the same time, the Montana District Court returned a case of food poisoning in the BCC chair, which took place in April last year, for further investigation.

The Montana magistrates declared the district attorney's order to close the case illegal due to lack of evidence.

Last year, dozens of Montana workers felt unwell after lunch in a local chair. The company's employees had eaten potato meatballs and soup.


96 of the workers immediately sought medical help, 71 were hospitalized, and in 51 of the cases, salmonella infection was found.

The Montana Food Agency then examined the products from which the lunch was cooked, but found no salmonella in them. Salmonella was also not detected in samples taken from food suppliers.

The lunch of the BCC employees was prepared by Falcon-09, which also prepares food for other companies in Montana.

Falcon-09 was closed for 4 days and fined BGN 1,000, after which it resumed its activities.

According to the court in Montana, new witnesses should be questioned and a new medical examination should be appointed in order to determine with certainty the source of the infection.
