The Waiters-robots Were Fired - They Were Pouring Soup

The Waiters-robots Were Fired - They Were Pouring Soup
The Waiters-robots Were Fired - They Were Pouring Soup

Until recently, the use of robots as waiters was considered an extremely enterprising move by Chinese restaurateurs.

It was envisaged that these innovative appliances, the latest in technological advances, would work much more successfully than ordinary employees and even attract more customers to restaurants because of their attractiveness.

However, it turns out that in practice robot work is not so effective, and several Chinese establishments have even said goodbye to their extraordinary workers, reports Mirror Online.

As you can guess, the original plans were for robots to lead to a real revolution in services. Experts in the restaurant industry believed that they would fulfill orders much faster and more successfully than a person, but the truth turned out quite differently.

The use of robots in restaurants has led to many complaints from customers. The machines were fired for offenses such as spilling soups and drinks, but not only that. In fact, they could never get close to the level reached by the waiters.

According to the employees of the restaurant, which resorted to dismissal of the robots, such workers in their restaurant will not be hired anymore. Not only could they fail to serve food and drink, but they often broke down.

The staff at the establishment in question is adamant that the machines had too many restrictions and could not perform accidentally even basic activities such as pouring water on visitors.

However, robots are still used in some establishments because they arouse great interest among customers. To acquire such extraordinary employees, the owners of the restaurant number about 5490 pounds.

Separately, they have other costs in addition to their maintenance. But even with them, it is believed that the use of robots is cheaper than human labor. At this stage, however, they are clearly not as effective.
