Fresh On An Empty Stomach?

Fresh On An Empty Stomach?
Fresh On An Empty Stomach?

Fresh juices are very useful for the body, but drinking them on an empty stomach is controversial. Depending on the juice, it can have a beneficial effect on the body or harm it.

Citrus juices are not recommended on an empty stomach. If you have gastritis, it can have a bad effect on your stomach. In general, citrus juices irritate the gastric mucosa, so they should not be drunk on an empty stomach.

If you want to start your day with freshly squeezed fruit juice, choose one with a milder effect. Perfect in this respect is apple juice - it works well on the stomach and charges the body with energy.

Citrus Fresh
Citrus Fresh

Banana juice is also suitable for drinking on an empty stomach, as it has a milder effect than citrus juices. Peach or apricot juice, which may contain fruit puree, is also very useful when drunk on an empty stomach.

Grape juice can also be drunk on an empty stomach, as well as strawberry juice and raspberry juice. They, like apple juice, help flush heavy metal compounds and toxins out of the body.

On an empty stomach you can drink whatever vegetable juices you want. Carrot juice and celery juice mixed with freshly squeezed parsley juice are very good for the body and can be drunk on an empty stomach.

They have a tonic effect and you will feel full of energy throughout the day. Pineapple juice, tested on an empty stomach, will help you lose weight.

Fresh fruit
Fresh fruit

Tomato juice is an exception in this regard, as it contains acids that can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause harm to the body.

Fasting fresh is very useful because it refreshes the body and improves digestion. Freshly squeezed juice, taken on an empty stomach, improves the activity of the immune system and endocrine glands.

Fasting fresh is also recommended as a biostimulator with a strengthening effect on the whole body. Freshly squeezed juice, tested on an empty stomach, provides the body with important trace elements and minerals. Fresh fruit on an empty stomach improves metabolism and this has a good effect on the body.
