Buffalo Meat

Buffalo Meat
Buffalo Meat

Buffalo meat is obtained from large mammals called buffaloes. This genus includes many species, some of which are already extinct. Like cattle, they belong to the order Artiodactyla. You will recognize these animals by their huge and healthy bodies, equipped with dark fur. On their heads, buffaloes have powerful horns that can be curved like a wreath. Thanks to these growths, they protect themselves from their enemies. Males gain more than females. These large mammals are found in South Asia, Africa, China, the Balkans, Egypt, Italy and others. Buffaloes are also grown in Bulgaria.

History of buffalo meat

Buffaloes are thought to have been domesticated by humans more than three millennia ago. Due to their strong muscles, they are used to pull carts and plows. In the meantime, they are used for food purposes buffalo meat and buffalo milk. In addition, people discover the positive qualities of buffalo skin.

However, some members of the genus are too aggressive and do not give in to domestication. Unfortunately, to date, buffaloes, which can be seen in the wild in nature, are not many. On the other hand, representatives of Bubalus are kept on farms mostly because of buffalo meat.

In our country the management of buffaloes began in the distant seventh century. This activity is officially mentioned in a Suleimankoy inscription carved on a marble column. It tells of a peace treaty between Omurtag and Byzantium in the early ninth century. The treaty in question states that Omurtag insisted on receiving two buffaloes each for the release of enemy captives. From this we can conclude that buffaloes were considered significant prey at that time.

The following information about buffalo breeding in the Bulgarian lands dates back to the time of Tsar Kaloyan. During Turkish slavery, these animals continued to be an integral part of the daily life of the peasants. They pull carts and help carry large objects. At that time, the largest number of large cattle were found on the Danube coast and Thrace.


Buffalo breeding developed rapidly, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. And at that time it was used for meat and also as a means of transport. The milk of the large mammal has also been used to meet the nutritional needs of the population.

Composition of buffalo meat

Buffalo meat has a rich composition, which determines the many benefits of its consumption. It is a source of saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. It also contains water and proteins. Sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, iron and others are found in buffalo meat. It also contains vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B12 and vitamin C.

Selection and storage of buffalo meat

When selecting buffalo meat the age of the animal must be taken into account, as this largely determines the taste and culinary qualities of the meat product. Meat that is edible is colored red. It must be elastic and odorless.

If you have the opportunity, buy the meat directly from the producer, because this will ensure excellent quality. Of course, with this option, you will have to spend more money. When you get buffalo meat, but you can't cook it right away, don't keep it at room temperature. It is better to store it in the freezer or in a refrigerator compartment so that it can keep its fresh look.

Cooking buffalo meat

Buffalo meat perfectly tolerates heat treatment. It can be fried in a pan or baked in the oven and grill. All kinds of appetizing steaks and steaks can be prepared from it. It is also used to enrich soups and stews. It can be concluded in dishes with rice or potatoes. Some chefs also add it to spaghetti. It can be combined with all kinds of greens, including leafy vegetables such as dock, cabbage, spinach and nettle.

It is also combined with Brussels sprouts, beets, carrots, tomatoes, onions, garlic, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, green beans, beans, peas. The taste of buffalo meat dishes is harmonized with spices such as black pepper, white pepper, savory, allspice, mint, parsley, turmeric, oregano, basil, sage and others.

It is used to prepare minced meat, which is used to make appetizing kebabs, burgers and meatballs. It is used to make sausages, salamis, sausages, dried apricots, sausages, pastrami and other sausages.

Buffalo meat
Buffalo meat

Benefits of buffalo meat

The health benefits of buffalo milk have been known to mankind since time immemorial. In recent years, more attention has been paid to the positive qualities of the meat of these large mammals. Experts note that compared to beef, it is healthier for the body.

It turns out that this meat product has 40 percent less cholesterol than beef. While the buffalo is a source of more protein and more minerals. Buffalo is also looked after with a good eye because of its content of omega-3 fatty acids.

A recent study by experts from the University of Milan shows another curiosity. According to Italian nutritionists the consumption of buffalo meat the emphasis should be especially on women, as it is very rich in iron, and during the menstrual cycle in women, they lose a significant amount of the element. In addition, eating this meat product turns out well on the figure of the ladies.
