What To Eat Before The Exam?

What To Eat Before The Exam?
What To Eat Before The Exam?

Preparing mentally and physically for an exam is just as important as learning the material. Make sure you eat right before the important event. This will allow you to focus on the successful results of the exam, and not on your rumbling stomach.

Here are some tips for healthy eating that improves memory and tone.

1. Eat mainly products containing protein. Eat fruits to increase the flow of energy in the body. Eat well before the exam, even if your exam is early in the morning. Do not experiment with new dishes on this day.

2. Choose for breakfast foods such as eggs, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese. The extraction of valuable substances from these products will continue throughout the day.


3. Do not overeat, so as not to fall asleep. Skip the dessert if you are already full. The least you need is to be sleepy during the exam.

4. Do not use morning coffee as a substitute for breakfast. If you are an avid coffee lover, skipping a traditional cup of coffee can cause you a headache. Try to overcome the discomfort. Coffee and energy drinks give you energy and freshness, but only for a short time. Try replacing coffee with green tea. It would add the natural caffeine your daily menu needs.

5. If you are too nervous to eat, you can try a protein drink, shakes or other healthy supplements. This will give you the energy you need to keep learning.


6. Don't forget to put some fruit in your bag. Keep your energy level without eating harmful sugary foods.

7. Drink multivitamins every day. Omega-3 and vitamin B support brain activity.

8. Do not drink alcohol on the days of preparation and immediately before the exam.

9. Instead, drink plenty of water before and during the exam. Dehydration can distract you, it can even make you sick.

