The Fragrant Strawberry Protects The Heart

The Fragrant Strawberry Protects The Heart
The Fragrant Strawberry Protects The Heart

"If you can, eat one strawberry every day," advise researchers at the University of Oklahoma. Their latest study found that eating strawberries every day can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Specialists conducted their study with people suffering from metabolic syndrome - a collection of symptoms, including obesity and high cholesterol, which are simultaneously associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

The participants in the experiment ate strawberries for two months. Volunteers were to consume four glasses of juice made from 50 grams of dried strawberries and water, or three glasses of fresh strawberries.

Finally, participants had lower rates of atherosclerosis.

Cholesterol levels in those who ate strawberries dropped by 10 percent. It is believed that the health benefits are related to the antioxidant in red fruits.

In Europe, the fragrant strawberry appeared in the XVI century. We owe the pleasure of the taste of the small red fruit to a French officer who brought the first strawberries to his homeland from Chile.

The officer wrote in a telegram to the king's cook, "I have brought His Majesty fruits that remove from the heart the suffering caused by state unrest. The aroma of these strawberries fills the soul with love and the mind with joy."

Consumption of Strawberries
Consumption of Strawberries

According to other sources, the strawberry was not delivered from Chile until 1712, when the French navigator Andre Francois Fresier left to find new ports near that country. Thus the amateur botanist brought the unknown plant to Paris.

Today, the natural delicacy is cultivated all over the world. There are over 600 varieties of strawberries. They are all different in size, color and aroma.

The berry, whose wonderful aroma is due to the essential substances in it, is prepared in a variety of ways. Apart from being pleasant to consume on its own, we make jam, jams, garnish desserts and drink champagne with it.

If you have decided to freeze strawberries, ripe but not overripe fruits are best. If you are going to eat them raw, freeze them with sugar. When sugared, the fruits retain their color and taste even after thawing.

However, if you plan to garnish cakes with strawberries, freeze them without sugar. The shelf life of strawberries in the freezer is 8-12 months.
