The Craziest Dishes You Won't Want To Try

The Craziest Dishes You Won't Want To Try
The Craziest Dishes You Won't Want To Try

Would you try fried tarantula sprinkled with caramel? And stewed locusts in special spices and sauces? Most people will say a firm no. However, few who are afraid to try some of the craziest dishes in the East say that they are extremely tasty, despite their unpleasant appearance and the products used in their preparation. Here are some examples.

Pork pancakes (Sweden)

A different version of pancakes is prepared in the Scandinavian country. They are called blodpleter and are prepared similarly to the traditional ones with the exception of the products. Instead of milk, Swedes use pig's blood. You also need rye flour, molasses, onions and butter.

Breaded Rattlesnake (USA)

This unusual dish is extremely popular in the southwestern United States. Its taste is reminiscent of frog legs. Experts advise first to cook the snake meat well, and after it cools down, to bread it. The breading is done by dipping the meat in a beaten egg and covering it with a mixture of breadcrumbs, hot dry spices and salt.

Siakro (Japan)

Sicaro is an extremely popular dessert in Japan, which will almost certainly never gain popularity in Europe. It is prepared from well-beaten with sugar semen of a balloon fish. However, according to those who tried it, Sicaro is a very rich butter cream.

Fried pork blood (Hungary)

In Hungary, when a pig is slaughtered, its blood is collected and fried with lots of onion, salt and pepper. The dish is served hot for breakfast with freshly toasted bread.

Sanakaji (Korea)


Sanaki is a fresh appetizer that not everyone would dare to try. The delicacy is a writhing freshly sliced baby octopus sprinkled with sesame and butter.

Kiwiak (Greenland)


Photo: Pinterest

Kiwiak is a delicacy in Greenland. To prepare it, you need seal or walrus skin, in which hundreds of birds are placed, after which the skin is sewn up and covered with stones and left to stand for seven months. The birds literally ferment. The dish is consumed on birthdays and weddings.

Dragon in the flame of desire (China)

The name of this dish sounds more than impressive and is a local specialty in Beijing. Everything is very colorful and charming, until the unfortunate tourist, who ordered the dish, saw that he was served in a large tray a well-roasted strong penis.
