A Pernik Family Found A Piece Of Asphalt In Their Bread?

A Pernik Family Found A Piece Of Asphalt In Their Bread?
A Pernik Family Found A Piece Of Asphalt In Their Bread?

A family from the town of Pernik came across an unpleasant surprise. A strange object was found in bread bought from a large local retail chain, whose place was definitely not in the food product.

The risky pastry came to Iliana Ivanova's table. She bought the bread a few days ago from a big grocery store in Pernik.

When Ivanova opens the packaged food, she sees that some of the slices of bread contain black pieces of unidentified origin. According to her, it is about asphalt or rubber.

The victim is very worried because both she and the child and her husband ate the dubious bread.

I don't know what else to say but to treat those who have prepared the bread. Let them eat, Iliana Ivanova told TV7.

I don't want to think that someone put it on purpose, but even if it wasn't on purpose, then the control in this enterprise is not OK, the woman from Pernik commented on the presence of the strange piece in her bread.

Baked bread
Baked bread

The woman believes that while only the media deals with problems like this, there is no way things can change dramatically. At the same time, while Iliana and her family are worried about their health, the manufacturer denied that they were to blame for what happened.

The company is adamant that they observe all safety and hygiene measures in the production of pasta and do not allow them to have committed a violation in this case.

Unfortunately, cases like this seem to have become more frequent lately. We remind you that only a few days ago a pie with a piece of wire was found in the dairy kitchen in Haskovo.

The metal risky object was discovered by Snezhana Cholakova from Haskovo, who visited the specialized point to get food for her 13-month-old child.

Cholakova's daughter failed to eat the pie from the dairy kitchen at once and her mother decided to serve it to the girl once more.

The next day, she tore the pieces into small pieces and then, with horror, noticed what was hidden in the food product - wire like the ones with which they tie the packages of bread.

The indignant mother sought responsibility at the dairy, where she took the pie, but they were unable to answer her questions.
