A Piece Of Bread Removes The Characteristic Smell Of Cauliflower

A Piece Of Bread Removes The Characteristic Smell Of Cauliflower
A Piece Of Bread Removes The Characteristic Smell Of Cauliflower

To make vegetables tasty, you need to know how to cook them. For example, fresh vegetables should always be boiled in salted water - one teaspoon of salt per liter.

Once the water boils, put the vegetables in it, reduce the heat and cook under a lid. When you cook cauliflower, for example, there is a way to get rid of its characteristic odor.

To do this, divide the cauliflower head into four parts. Wash them in vinegar diluted with water to remove worms that may be there. When you cook the cauliflower, put a piece of bread in the water.

When cooking green beans, divide each pod into two halves. Wash well before cooking. After boiling, discard the water and add a tablespoon of cream.


Fry in oil a head of onion, finely chopped, pour on top of green beans and stir with a wooden spoon. This is done so as not to burn the beans. This way you get a wonderful garnish.

If the beans are canned, pour them into a colander and quickly wash with cold water. After draining the water, you can saute it with a little butter and serve as a side dish.

Green peas, if fresh, should be cleaned by dissolving the pods by pressing hard with your thumbs. Remove the peas by pressing and discard the worms.


If you want to make a delicious hors d'oeuvre when the green peas are cooked, and it takes a few minutes, as long as it is fresh, add finely chopped ham.

You can replace it with finely chopped shrimp or mushrooms. If the peas are canned, pour the liquid, wash it with cold water and cook it like fresh peas.

You can steam it by heating it in its own juice over a low heat, but without boiling it, because otherwise it will crack. If it starts to warm up, add a piece of butter.
