It's Hard To Believe! Here's What A Calorie Bomb We've Been Attacking Over The Holidays

It's Hard To Believe! Here's What A Calorie Bomb We've Been Attacking Over The Holidays
It's Hard To Believe! Here's What A Calorie Bomb We've Been Attacking Over The Holidays

The holidays have passed and time to take stock. Although at the end of the year we relaxed our souls and had fun, the moment was not so happy for our body. During the Christmas and New Year holidays we have attacked our body with a real one calorie bomb. This conclusion was reached by experts, pointing out the huge number of calories, containing even a small amount of products that we traditionally eat at the end of the year.

For example, it becomes clear that with only 200 grams of Shopska salad we have consumed over 200 calories. A piece of pie of 100 grams gave us 315 calories. 100 grams of baked potatoes cost us 112 calories, and a steak of 150 grams - nearly 500 calories. The intake of 50 ml of brandy provided us with 115 calories.

It turns out that for just one holiday dinner we ate at least 2,000 calories, and this figure is not to be underestimated. If they are distributed in several meals for one day, the data are tolerable, but for one intake the amount is definitely large, said nutritionist Dr. Donka Baikova on bTV.

New Year's menu
New Year's menu

The expert also commented on how to return to our usual way of eating after the holidays. Dr. Baykova did not recommend the viewers to switch to heavy diets and starvation, because with such a sharp change in diet, this would create a feeling of hunger and muscle breakdown.

It is much better after the holidays to be moderate in our diet. Let's move on to liquids, fruits and vegetables consistently and very smoothly. Going from one extreme to another is definitely not recommended, Dr. Baykova was clear.
