Resolved! France Has Banned The Disposal Of Unsold Food

Resolved! France Has Banned The Disposal Of Unsold Food
Resolved! France Has Banned The Disposal Of Unsold Food

The French government has passed a drastic law against food waste in the country. The new regulation will prohibit large food chains from destroying or disposing of unsold food or expired food.

The French Senate accepted the change unanimously, making France the first country to introduce a ban on food waste.

Retailers will be required to donate their unsold food to charity food banks.

The law came into force immediately after the vote. It states that supermarkets with an area of over 400 square meters must sign a contract with charities to which they will donate unsold food.


Failure to comply with this rule threatens food chain owners with up to 2 years in prison.

The measure also provides for sanctions for those traders who deliberately spoil food so that it cannot be consumed.

This is the practice used by some supermarkets, which sprinkle bleach on food in garbage containers so that it cannot be consumed by homeless people, which has led to cases of poisoning.

Food banks, for their part, will be obliged to accept the donated food and distribute it, observing the necessary hygienic conditions.

The adoption of this law is the result of a long campaign in France led by organizations and ordinary citizens who protested against poverty and the unfair use of food resources.

Charities are pushing for the fight to continue until this measure is adopted in all European Union countries.

About 7 million tonnes of food are dumped in France each year, while French food banks receive donations of just 100,000 tonnes.
