The Most Popular Dishes Of The Last Century To This Day

The Most Popular Dishes Of The Last Century To This Day
The Most Popular Dishes Of The Last Century To This Day

Usually when we talk about fashion, we mean clothing, furniture, appliances, things that we use in everyday life. However, fashion is also typical of the field of nutrition, although we do not realize it.

If we look at the old recipes, we will see this simple truth. Every 10 years set the dishes were a hit among the people of the world. Let's see which classic recipes were performed most often in the last century / see the gallery above /.

Chicken pudding in 1900

This dish is especially spicy and very popular in the United States and Canada. It is something like a salty cake with the texture of quiche, but it is made from pieces of chicken baked in batter.

The apple pie in 1910

This recipe is becoming very popular due to the limited amounts of flour, sugar and fat, which makes apple pie a healthy food.

Baked potatoes in 1920

During this decade, a simple, quick and very tasty recipe wins people's hearts. Baked potatoes are really quick to prepare and the recipe is suitable for alaminuts at lunch and in the evening. Arrange the sliced potatoes in layers and bake with cream, milk, cheese and sliced ham.

Egg soup in 1930

This is a Chinese recipe that became popular around the world during the Great Depression. In addition to drops of eggs, it contains onions and potatoes, which were the main products at that time.

Meatballs in 1940

This decade is characterized by the beginning of mass grinding of meat so that it can be stored more easily and more recipes can be prepared. Meatballs became a favorite food during this period, being grilled, fried, and baked.

Pineapple cake in 1950

Fruit cakes are already a very popular dessert, but the preparation of the sweet temptation with the help of pineapple is especially popular, especially after a competition in which a Hawaiian recipe for an inverted pineapple cake was offered.

Burgundy beef in 1960

This recipe is considered one of the most delicious dishes prepared by humans. There is no way this is not the case, since beef is offered cooked with red wine, carrots, mushrooms, onions, herbs and cheese pancetta. The convenience of the burgundy beef recipe is that it can be served to guests as it is prepared before they arrive.

Watergate salad in 1970

Watergate salad is not so popular today, because the products that are combined, not everyone would like. Canned pineapple, chopped nuts, whipped cream, pistachios and a mini loaf are all things needed to prepare this. the most popular dish of the past century, got its name from the hotel or the scandal named that way.

The carrot cake in 1980

It is considered a healthy food because of the presence of vegetables, and it is almost the legendary carrot. In fact, the carrot cake is a sweet pastry with grated carrots, cinnamon, sugar, and topped with ice cream.

The tricolor salad with pasta in 1990

This salad is interesting because of the idea of arranging different colors one after the other - spinach green, tomato red and pasta yellow.

The muffins in 2000

An exceptional culinary pleasure in mini form, which is said to come into vogue from a popular American series. In any case, fluffy muffins are available everywhere in different variations.

The shoulder in 2010

Interest in oriental cuisine is gaining ground with this recipe. Broth, spices, noodles, boiled eggs, dried seaweed, that is, something like everything in one place, this is the recipe for ramen, which is very popular.
