What Are Chia Beans Good For?

What Are Chia Beans Good For?
What Are Chia Beans Good For?

Chia seeds were known and were widely used by the Incas and Aztecs. They were popular and considered so useful that they were even more sought after than gold.

Among the Maya, chia even held a place of honor in some of their ceremonies. But what are these seeds called chia and are they really as useful as different peoples thought in the past?

Chia are small and hard seeds that grow on a plant that is very similar to sage. Nowadays it is most common in Guatemala or Mexico.

The plant reaches a height of at most a meter and forms flowers, and at the end of the flower there are clusters that are formed from these small seeds.

In fact, of the whole plant, the seeds are the most used and carry the most nutrients to the body. Chia seeds can be stored for a long time without rancidity or in any way change their taste. But what do they contain and why are they so useful?

Extremely rich in fiber, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, iron, calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, compared to blueberries, these seeds have much greater antioxidant properties.

Whose and flaxseed grains
Whose and flaxseed grains

Due to the high content of these substances, chia are extremely suitable for various diets and can be used if we want to lose weight - they contain so much fiber that they can provide us with almost 40% of the required daily dose.

In addition, they normalize the readings of blood sugar, cholesterol, as well as regulate the fluid in our body, significantly improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to detoxify the body, do not contain gluten.

The use of chia seeds will significantly improve our tone and at the same time will help us in the fight against excess weight.

You can buy chia seeds in organic stores or stalls for organic products in large retail chains. It is best to store in the dark, in a ceramic or glass jar.
