Nutritional Values of Beans And Green Beans

Nutritional Values of Beans And Green Beans
Nutritional Values of Beans And Green Beans

With the name beans in our country the whole group is designated legumes, but when the name is used, it is always about beans and green beans. Ripe beans are the name of the seeds of the plant that are used for food, and green beans are understood as green seeds and green bean pods.

The selection has lasted for centuries, and today there are over 170 kind of beans with different color, type, taste. White beans are most often consumed in Bulgaria, and the Smilyan bean variety is a Bulgarian patent.

Origin of beans and transport to Europe

Beans are considered a traditional dish in our country, but like most cultures it is a guest at our table. It was brought during the Great Geographical Discoveries and can be said to be one of the most valuable gifts the New World has given to Europeans. This culture is so ancient in origin that it is no longer known where the wild ancestor of beans came from. Its cultivation took place seven millennia ago, and now grows mainly where warm and humid climates prevail.

Nutritional values of beans and green beans

Both ripe beans and green beans have excellent nutritional values due to their content, as green beans are lighter and, unlike ripe beans, can be consumed more often, as well as included in the diets of people with health problems..

Ripe beans

This annual herbaceous plant blooms from July to September and bears fruit called beans. The color of the beans is in a wide range - from white to dark purple.

The ripe fruit of the plant has amazing nutritional values, contains up to 27% protein, 50% carbohydrates, only 2% fat, a variety of vitamins, fiber, trace elements and they all make types of beans suitable nutritious or dietary food.

Beans have a low glycemic index and do not affect blood sugar levels, so it is a suitable food for diabetics. It is rich in fiber and is therefore suitable for problems with the stomach and intestines, as it cleanses them. Beans are good for teeth with their antibacterial action. It can also be used in cosmetics for masks based on bean paste mixed with olive oil and lemon against wrinkles.

Beans are extremely useful in diets for weight loss mainly due to the balance of the type of carbohydrates it contains. In order to lose weight, it is necessary to exclude fast carbohydrates and to include carbohydrates provided by the legume family. With the help of fiber in it will slow down the process of absorption of carbohydrates and the energy that the body receives from them will be distributed evenly over time, which means that it will be consumed in everyday life and will not accumulate in the form of fat.

The ripe beans it should not be consumed too often because it is a heavy food, but this does not apply to green beans. It is easily absorbed by the body and is suitable for any diet. Its caloric values are low, carbohydrates are in the right amount, and the cellulose content is high and aids digestion.

Green beans

The benefits of green beans are mostly in the content of vitamins - A, C, E and all of group B, as well as minerals. Green beans improve the activity of the liver, kidneys and stomach. Provides prophylaxis of the prostate gland. It is an indispensable food for pregnant women because of the composition, which includes many vitamins. Food is needed for anemia and diabetes, as well as white beans in diets for weight loss.
