Should We Take Immunostimulants While We Are Sick

Should We Take Immunostimulants While We Are Sick
Should We Take Immunostimulants While We Are Sick

Every year, with the onset of the cold seasons, come the constant advice on how to take care of our health from the threat of colds and flu. This year, the coronavirus pandemic, which belongs to the group of viral diseases, was added to them.

The complicated epidemic situation is accompanied by more complex requirements for the prevention of this infection. What should we keep in mind in our attempts to stay healthy?

There is a great variety in the offers of food supplements and vitamins with the claim that they help immunity. To what extent this is true cannot be said, because the food supplements are controlled by the Food Agency and the parameters that are monitored there are different from those of the Medicines Agency. Therefore, dietary supplements should not be viewed as immunostimulants.


Suitable for ongoing colds support for immunity represent vitamin C and zinc. Vitamin C reduces the duration of the disease, and zinc is a prophylactic against all viral infections.

There are other drugs that keep the immune system in good condition, but they require long-term use and their effect manifests itself after weeks, so they are not a good choice if the disease is already a fact.

Immunostimulants are useful for protection against any viruses. Attention! However, they should be taken with a healthy body. Nature has built into the human body natural immunity. Immunostimulants aim to support it. Vitamin D is a major stimulant because it has the potential to deal with even a severe infection.

With coronavirus infection already present, for example, such stimulation is not only useless, but also dangerous. Consequence of stimulating the immune system it can give excessively strong immune response to infectionto turn against one's own organism.

Chicken soup instead of Immunostimulants
Chicken soup instead of Immunostimulants

Photo: Simona

Such a development in medicine is called a cytokine storm. It has severe, often fatal consequences for the patient's life. It is especially dangerous for a young and strong organism, as it is too powerful and leads to a sudden death for the patient.

If you want to help yourself while you are sick at home, make this chicken soup for healthy immunity or this honey elixir for strong immunity and stay healthy!
