Omega-3 Versus Omega-6. Which And How Should We Take?

Omega-3 Versus Omega-6. Which And How Should We Take?
Omega-3 Versus Omega-6. Which And How Should We Take?

Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in health. Unfortunately, many people have the idea that they should take supplements of both groups of fatty acids. This is not absolutely true.

We tend to forget that most people who follow the western diet, which contains poly- and monounsaturated margarines, as well as oils for cooking and flavoring salads, get an overdose of omega-6. If you use margarine and sunflower oil in your kitchen, then you are more likely to get more than enough omega-6 fatty acids. In fact, you may be getting too much.

The problem with these essential fatty acids is that we not only need to make sure that we include them in our diets, but also that the amounts we eat are balanced.

Researchers have found that the so-called ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 should be about 1: 5 for optimal health. This means that we must make sure that we eat 1 g of omega-3 for every 5 g of omega-6.

sources of omega 6
sources of omega 6

In the last decade, omega-6 intake in Europe has increased dramatically and many people are getting more than enough omega-6. The total intake of omega-3s, found mainly in fish and fish oils, has dropped dramatically over the years, so we will hardly ever achieve the ideal 1: 5 ratio. In many diets, the ratio is 1:20 or even 1:40. That's why it's important to make sure we eat more omega-3s.

We need balance because these essential fatty acids compete with each other in our bodies for enzymes. If you eat too much omega-6 and not enough omega-3, only omega-6 will be metabolized and your body will not be able to use omega-3 fatty acids. Such an imbalance can cause many types of diseases.

If eat enough omega-3, according to research, you can be protected from many diseases and conditions such as:

Heart disease - omega-3 reduces the risk of developing heart disease and can reduce the risk of death from heart attack by 30%.

Blood clots - omega-3s make blood thinner and prevent blood clots.

sources of omega 3
sources of omega 3

Hypertension - omega-3 lowers blood pressure.

High levels of fat in the blood - omega-3 lowers the levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Breast Cancer - High omega-6 and low omega-3 levels can predispose women to breast cancer.

Colon and bowel cancer - omega-3 can prevent colon cancer.

Increasing scientific evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids are important for human health and normal development. It is becoming increasingly clear that a person who follows a standard low-fish diet for Europeans is exposed to omega-3 deficiencies and an imbalance in the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6.

Rich sources of omega-3 are different types of fish - mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, trout and sturgeon, as well as fish oils - cod liver oil, salmon oil, tuna oil. Plant sources are flaxseed, rapeseed, walnut and soybean oil.
