Kish - The French Relative Of Pie

Kish - The French Relative Of Pie
Kish - The French Relative Of Pie

Most of you probably think that quiche comes from France, because that's where we know its many variations, but this is not the case. In fact, the homeland of Kish is Germany.

In order not to throw away the rest of the little dough after kneading the bread, the Germans decided to roll it out and put smoked bacon stuffed with eggs and cream as a filling. However, the French, known as big fans of different types of cheese, believed that such a dish definitely deserves cheese. Over time, the bread dough was replaced with butter or crumbly dough.

This dish is extremely easy to prepare and quite practical, because you can put more or less products depending on what you have left in the refrigerator. For ladies who do not have time to cook every day, this is also an ideal solution, because once baked, the quiche can be cut into pieces, wrapped in foil and stored in the freezer.

When you decide that you want to eat something warm and tasty, you just take it out and heat it, and it tastes like fresh, freshly baked. By the time you cut the salad, the quiche will have thawed and warmed up. Remember, however, that once frozen, the quiche should not be thawed and re-frozen. Once you take it out of the freezer, put it directly in the oven and when it is ready, eat it.


If you do not like to knead, you can use ready-made dough. If you prefer homemade, use the standard recipe: 250 g of flour mixed with 125 g of grated butter and 50-100 g of grated cheese.

Leave for 30 minutes in the refrigerator to harden, then roll out and arrange sausages, cheeses or vegetables of your choice. Serve with a glass of quality red wine and no one will be disappointed with dinner.
