Giving Up Gluten Will Make You Fatter

Giving Up Gluten Will Make You Fatter
Giving Up Gluten Will Make You Fatter

Despite the anti-gluten hysteria, the damage from the pasta ingredient is far from proven. Gluten withdrawal may be important for people who are allergic to it or for those who suffer from gluten intolerance, but it is by no means necessary for those who can easily consume it. However, this does not prevent more and more people from starting gluten-free diets.

Of course, the latter may rethink their eating habits after realizing that, according to a new study, a gluten-free diet can lead to obesity.

This is due to the simple fact that products without the ingredient have a significantly higher energy content, including more fatty acids and lipids than their gluten counterparts.

The study was presented earlier this month at the annual congress of the European Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. Its creators have studied more than 1,300 products. Among them, they found that gluten-free bread has a significantly higher lipid content, gluten-free pasta has many times more sugar than others, and gluten-free biscuits have a significantly lower protein content and a higher lipid content.

Giving up gluten will make you fatter
Giving up gluten will make you fatter

Researchers claim that imbalances in gluten-free products could affect obesity, especially in children, as well as their development. That is why researchers have called for more responsible labeling of gluten-free foods so that people and parents know more about the nutritional content of this type of product.

According to the lead scientist in the study, Dr. Joachim Lerma, foods that do not contain the ingredient should be reformulated so that they have a similar nutritional composition to their gluten counterparts and at all costs have warnings about the many risks of constant consumption. of these products.
