What To Do In Case Of A Strong Rumbling Of The Stomach

What To Do In Case Of A Strong Rumbling Of The Stomach
What To Do In Case Of A Strong Rumbling Of The Stomach

It has almost certainly happened to every person that his stomach starts to growl at the most inopportune moment. Under Murphy's Law, this usually happens in a quiet room that is full of other people. In such situations, usually the least we experience is some awkwardness.

Abdominal rumbling is caused by the periodic contraction of the stomach muscles. In the absence of food in the stomach, the contraction of this muscle group causes gastric juices, gas and air to make a rumbling sound. The presence of food presses the rest of the stomach to its walls and muffles the sound.

In most cases, the stomach rumbles with hunger. In these situations the problem is easy to solve. No matter how much time you have, eat something on your feet and the rumbling will stop. However, it is not recommended in these situations that your food be chocolate, chips or cake. Taken on an empty stomach, these products will harm your stomach. The most suitable in this case are muesli, yogurt or bananas.

When rumbling occurs after eating, it means that you have swallowed more air while eating. To avoid this discomfort, try not to talk too much while eating. Also, chew food carefully.

Another reason for rumbling can be the consumption of gas-forming products. The frequent appearance of this sound from your stomach means that you have to temporarily limit pears, cabbage, legumes, sweet sodas and especially ice cream. To deal with the problem, take a few tablets of activated charcoal when it occurs.

In rare cases, rumbling may be a symptom of gastrointestinal disease. Most often it is dysbacteriosis. If you suspect such a problem, consult a doctor instead of self-medicating. The rumbling is likely to be due to an intestinal infection and medication can make the situation worse.


Stomach upset can be due to psychological reasons. For example, if a person has once been severely embarrassed by an unexpected rumbling in the stomach in front of other people, in the future he may fear that the confusion will recur.

Such a condition can even lead to neurosis. In these situations, try to calm down, drink water. If this does not help and the problem worsens, consult a psychologist.
