Marigold Tea Cleanses The Organs

Marigold Tea Cleanses The Organs
Marigold Tea Cleanses The Organs

Detoxification of the body is the cleansing of toxic substances that have accumulated in the body. In this way the basic functions of the organism will be improved.

The main signs of accumulation of toxins in the body are frequent colds, fatigue, lack of concentration, stomach problems, hormonal imbalance, brittle nails, skin problems and more.

You can cleanse the liver with the help of burdock tea - the root of the herb is used in the presence of parasites, chronic fatigue, bacterial infections and more. According to several scientific studies, the spice coriander can also be used to purify the body.

Also useful for cleansing the body are the spices ginger, cardamom, turmeric, cinnamon. It is recommended to eat foods that are rich in vitamin C and selenium and, if possible, free of hormones and pesticides.

Herbs such as dandelion, thistle, calendula and others are also used.

Enyovcheto is an herb that has a strong cleansing effect. Regular consumption of herbal tea will cleanse the liver and kidneys, pancreas, spleen.


According to herbalists, marigold, in combination with yellow dead nettle and wild nettle (of all herbs in equal amounts), can help with kidney disease. It is recommended to consume the decoction four times a day in more serious conditions.

The herb has a great effect on the condition of the skin, it is enough to prepare a decoction and wash your face with it. Gargles with hot tea from the plant can solve your thyroid problems.

All you have to do is scald the herb and wait for the mixture to cool down so that you can tolerate the heat. It is good to do this procedure several times a day.

Gargling with this herb actually has another effect - it will help you grasp the vocal cords. A similar condition occurs after a viral illness. Marigold infusion is made with 1 tsp. of the herb, which is poured with 250 ml of hot water. After 5 minutes, strain the mixture and drink.
