Attention! The Poison Transglutaminase In Food Sticks To Our Organs

Attention! The Poison Transglutaminase In Food Sticks To Our Organs
Attention! The Poison Transglutaminase In Food Sticks To Our Organs

Food manufacturers describe transglutaminase as a new, revolutionary way to improve existing products.

According to them, it is just a natural enzyme that helps bind proteins and has the ability to cold solder pieces of meat, to stick bacon on the surface of the meat.

Transglutaminase is used to improve the consistency of yellow cheese and cheese, because it prevents their crushing, reduces water loss in yogurt, in general, finds a number of applications in food production.

This is the reason why this enzyme is widely used in the meat, fish and confectionery industries, where, depending on the groups of products in which it is used, it is found in different varieties.

Transglutaminase in meat and meat products is labeled with TG ME. When used in the processing and production of fish and seafood, it is designated TG FI.

For hams and cooked-smoked sausages it is TG 901, for cheese - TG CH, for yoghurt and dairy products - TG DA, and for flour, hard dough and bread production - TG BR.


On the labels of finished products in the store transglutaminase is designated as E1400 as standard and is called malodextrin.

When people consume foods that contain transglutaminase, it accumulates in their body. Its activity is not affected by chemicals or heat treatment.

Due to the excessive amounts of this enzyme, which, let's not forget that it has the ability to literally stick to meat, human tissues begin to stick together.

Balls form around the enzyme depots, which can complicate the passage of the intestine, as well as cause various types of cancer.

The harm from excessive intake of products containing transglutaminase has been discovered by Japanese scientists who conducted experiments with laboratory mice.


Only after two weeks of taking this farm did the rodent die, and his autopsy revealed something scary. All his internal organs - lungs, heart, intestines, were literally glued together in one big piece of meat.

The bad news for healthy eating is that this enzyme is being used in more and more foods.

Among the most saturated with low-dextrin foods are cooked and smoked salami and sausages, chilled semi-finished products, meat and fish products, some dairy products, crab rolls and more.
