Harm And Benefit Of Eggplant

Harm And Benefit Of Eggplant
Harm And Benefit Of Eggplant

Apart from their unusual purple color and spicy taste, aubergines also have many useful properties. They are a low-calorie product - one hundred grams contain only 28 calories. That is why eggplants are recommended for weight loss.

Eggplants are rich in fiber, which helps to expel excess fluid and toxins from the body. Eggplants are suitable for diet, but only in baked form, as they have the ability to absorb a lot of fat and fried are not suitable for diet.

Eggplants contain many B vitamins, as well as vitamin C and vitamin PP, carotene and nutrients - calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium.

The great value of eggplants is that they do not allow the body to absorb bad cholesterol. Therefore, eggplants are suitable for older people who suffer from atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. They should be served baked to the elderly, as it is not helpful for them to absorb large amounts of fat.

Fried aubergines
Fried aubergines

Due to the content of vitamin PP, ie nicotinic acid, eggplants are very useful for smokers who want to quit smoking, as they satisfy nicotine cravings. It is recommended to eat one roasted eggplant a day if you have decided to give up cigarettes.

Eggplants help the body recover faster after inflammatory processes. They are recommended for recovery from various types of severe diseases. They can be eaten baked or breaded, but not just fried.

The harm of aubergines is that overripe vegetables may contain the poisonous substance solanine. But in heat treatment it is completely neutralized. In diseases of the thyroid gland and liver is not recommended to overdo it with eggplant. It can adversely affect the health of people with such diseases.
