Eggplants Against Diabetes

Eggplants Against Diabetes
Eggplants Against Diabetes

The homeland of eggplant is India. For years, however, it has also established itself in Europe. To the ancient Greeks, eggplant had a reputation as a poisonous plant. During the Arab invasions of Europe, it became a discovery for European cuisine.

After a number of studies, it is clear that eggplant is definitely one of the healthiest vegetables. It is even accepted as a symbol of longevity.

Eggplant contains vitamins, sugars, enzymes, minerals and tannins. They contain large amounts of protein, fat, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, bromine, iron, iodine, copper, zinc, chlorine and a balanced complex of trace elements and vitamins such as B1, B2, B6, B9, C, PP and D. This bouquet of biologically active substances improves the work of the cardiovascular system.


Cellulose and organic acids, which are also found in the contents of eggplants, stimulate gastric secretion and intestinal peristalsis, pectin substances that help eliminate the problem of congestion in the bile ducts and intestines. They also prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Eggplants are recommended for diabetics. They are low in carbohydrates. They are not too high in calories and are suitable for people who are struggling with weight and for people with diabetes.


In addition, eggplants increase the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar and stimulate the production of red blood cells.

In addition to diabetes, eggplant also supports the work of the heart. This is due to the high content of potassium - 238 mg per 100 grams. Thus, it helps to normalize water-salt metabolism and improves heart function.

The chemical composition of eggplant helps to restore cartilage and strengthen bones. Its peel helps to strengthen the gums. To do this, it is dried briefly in the oven, grind, pour hot water and make a decoction to which is added 1 tsp. sol. The mouth is rinsed with the resulting mixture.
