Planting And Growing Eggplants

Planting And Growing Eggplants
Planting And Growing Eggplants

The eggplant, known in Bulgaria as blue Tomato, is among the vegetables that are invariably present at our table. Once considered poisonous for its bitter taste in its raw state, it became known in Europe only in the 15th century.

Properly prepared, eggplant is suitable for a number of local and meatless dishes, but should not be consumed in excessive quantities. Planting and growing of this vegetable is not at all complicated and if you have vegetable garden, it is good to include eggplant to it. Here are some tips to make sure you can to grow nice and tasty aubergines:

- The eggplant varieties you choose should be early ripening and their fruits should be large, with a strong gloss and a pleasant texture. The most common among the Bulgarian vegetable gardens are the varieties Patladjan 12 and Kolarovets 35;

- About 4-5 g of seeds are sown per 1 sq. M., And for seedlings - 20-30 seeds per 1 decare;

"It's important to know that." eggplants are light-loving and heat-loving and if you use a greenhouse, it must be glazed;


- Eggplants are planted in April, the seeds are distributed evenly and watered. This is usually done first in a box, then moved to separate pots, and finally planted in the yard;

- Once the plants are about 1 foot tall, it is a good idea to attach them to thin sticks to help them stay upright. The knot should not fall on the plant, but on the stick. Now is the time to move the plants into separate pots;

- Before you take out the ready-to-plant plants, you must give them enough time to acclimatize. This means that the pots must be exposed for at least 10 days to temperatures similar to those in which they will live after planting;

- Watering should be regular, not without overdoing;

Planting and growing eggplants
Planting and growing eggplants

- Eggplants grow best at daytime temperatures around 24-25 degrees and nighttime around 16-18 degrees;

- If you see that the branches of the plants are too fragile, you can remove them, which will provide more access to light;

- Eggplant harvesting usually begins in May and ends in July-August.
