2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Deeply valued for its bright purple color, shiny skin and unique taste and texture, eggplants are available in stores all year round, but are of the best quality from the beginning of August to the end of October, when it is their season.
Eggplants belong to the Dog Grape family, which includes tomatoes, peppers and potatoes, and grow in a similar way to tomatoes. Although the vegetables listed above differ greatly in taste and appearance, one can certainly describe the eggplant with a charmingly bitter taste and porous texture. In many recipes it is used as an additive, balancing the more pronounced aromas around it.
The different eggplant species they can be lavender in color, green, orange or yellow-white and vary in size and shape - from those the size of a small tomato to those resembling large zucchini.
History of aubergines
The ancient ancestors of aubergines grew in India, but were first cultivated in China in the 5th century BC. Before the Middle Ages, they were introduced in Africa, and later in Italy - the country with which they have long been associated. Today, Turkey, Italy, Egypt, China and Japan are among the leading countries growing this vegetable.
Although it has a long and rich history, eggplant has not always had a good reputation. As a result of its tart taste, people have given it bitter qualities - eggplant has received undeserved fame of being able to cause insanity, leprosy and cancer. Until the 18th century, when new varieties developed, this vegetable remained in an unenviable place in the rankings. Today, however the eggplant occupies an honorable place in the cuisine of many European countries, including Italy, Greece, Turkey and France.

Ingredients of eggplants
Eggplants are low in hydrocarbons, but very rich in various useful mineral salts: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron and pectin. Eggplants also contain dietary fiber, folic acid, honey, vitamin C and vitamin K, B6 and PP. The bitter taste of aubergines is due to the essential oils they contain.
IN There are 100 g of eggplant 1.4 g protein; 0.2 g fat; 4.0 g carbohydrates; 92.8 ml of water; 25 calories; 1.1 g of cellulose.
Types of aubergines
The more famous eggplant types known to man are 5 in number.
American eggplant - has an elongated shape, is colored in dark purple;
Italian eggplant - it is relatively smaller than other types of eggplant, but on the other hand has a tender core and skin and significantly better taste;
Sicilian eggplant - has an irregular shape, is large and round, with extremely thin skin and a slight sweet taste;
Oriental eggplant - thin and slightly elongated, it has thin skin and significantly fewer seeds than its other brethren;
White eggplant - has thick skin and a much harder core.
Selection and storage of eggplants
Choose eggplantswhich are hard and heavy for their size. Their skin should be smooth and tender and their color bright. Both ends of the eggplant should be green.
Keep in mind that you only have to choose well ripe aubergines. Poorly ripened vegetables do not contain enough vitamins and minerals. Check by pressing the eggplant lightly with your thumb - the skin should sink and then quickly return to its original appearance. If it remains concave, then the eggplant is not yet well ripened or has already begun to spoil.
Although they look firm, eggplants are actually quite tender and care must be taken when storing them. They are sensitive to both cold and heat. Therefore, the most suitable storage temperature for them is about 10 degrees Celsius.
Place the aubergines unwashed and uncut in plastic bags and store them in the refrigerator, where they will be able to retain their freshness for several days.

Cooking eggplant
- When cut the eggplant, use a stainless steel knife, as using a carbon steel one will blacken the knife.
"First." wash the eggplantand then remove the edges.
- To soften its bitter taste, salt the sliced eggplant and let it stand on a slight slope for 30 minutes. This process will lead to its relative dehydration, which in turn will make it less fat-absorbing.
- Eggplants can be fried, baked or steamed. If you are cooking a whole eggplant, first pierce it in several places with a fork so that the steam can escape through the holes. If you cook it in the oven, bake it at about 180 degrees for between 15 and 25 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces. When frying, it is necessary to use less fat, because eggplant has a porous structure, thanks to which it can absorb a significant amount of fat, which makes it a very unhealthy product.
Eggplants are part of of many dishes. They are one of the most commonly used vegetables in Mediterranean cuisine. They are prepared in salads, main dishes with meat and other vegetables. The taste is complemented very well by garlic, olive oil, lemon juice.
C eggplant you can cook great recipes: delicious fried eggplant, eggplant bolognese, eggplant parmigiano, stuffed eggplant, stewed eggplant, breaded eggplant, moussaka with eggplant, eggplant in Turkish, and why not a salad with eggplant.
Benefits of eggplant
Eggplants are rich of vitamins, minerals and important phytonutrients that have antioxidant action. They are one of the most useful vegetables, with a number of health benefits. Do not exclude them from your menu, especially since they can be prepared in many different ways.
Eggplants are food for the brain. There are many studies focusing on a phytonutrient-anticyanin called nasunin, which is found in eggplants. Nasunin is a potential antioxidant that purifies free radicals and protects cell membranes, thus contributing to the proper functioning of our brain.
Nasunin is an important phytonutrient and is therefore the subject of extensive research. It is believed to be extremely beneficial for the circulatory system by improving blood circulation and lowering blood pressure.

Among other things, nasunin is involved in regulating the metabolism of iron in the body, normalizes the immune system in response to allergens and supports the synthesis of collagen - very important for maintaining a young appearance.
Eggplants are rich in phenolic antioxidant compounds. Eggplants are a rich source of phenolic compounds that act as antioxidants. The chlorogenic acid found in this type of vegetable has an antiviral effect and prevents the appearance of changes (cancer).
Eggplants are welcome for the health of our cardiovascular system and to protect us from free radicals.
Thanks to nasunin and some other phytonutrients found in eggplants, these vegetables help reduce high cholesterol levels in the blood, in the arterial walls and their aorta, thus improving blood flow.
Harm from eggplants
Eggplants are among the few foods containing oxalates - natural substances found in plants, animals and humans. When oxylates become too concentrated in body fluids, they crystallize and can lead to health problems. For this reason, some people who have kidney or bile problems should be careful with intake of eggplant.
When you choose eggplant, it should be firm and dense, it should not be too light for its size. The color should be nice and the skin - shiny and smooth. Sharp contrasts in the color of the eggplant may be an indication of spoilage of the vegetable or, worse, the presence of too many pesticides.
Planting And Growing Eggplants

The eggplant , known in Bulgaria as blue Tomato , is among the vegetables that are invariably present at our table. Once considered poisonous for its bitter taste in its raw state, it became known in Europe only in the 15th century. Properly prepared, eggplant is suitable for a number of local and meatless dishes, but should not be consumed in excessive quantities.
Eggplants Relieve Constipation

Eggplant is characterized by its richness of important minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron, as well as sodium, protein, vitamin A and fiber. Due to its healthy qualities, but also due to its captivating purple color and shiny appearance, eggplant has become a favorite vegetable of many kings and queens over the centuries.
Why Peppers And Eggplants Are A Heavy Food

Eggplants are quite a heavy food, although they are vegetables and should be digested easily and quickly. They are not recommended for children under 2 years of age, as the child's stomach may not accept them well. Eggplants are very useful and tasty vegetables.
Eat Eggplants For Weight Loss And Against Cellulite

Eggplants are a preferred vegetable (fruit) during the summer season, but it is good to emphasize the fact that the blue tomato is also very useful. Eggplants are low in calories and at the same time relieve the digestive system, allow for easy defecation.
Eggplants Against Diabetes

The homeland of eggplant is India. For years, however, it has also established itself in Europe. To the ancient Greeks, eggplant had a reputation as a poisonous plant. During the Arab invasions of Europe, it became a discovery for European cuisine.