Why Mekis Are Killer Food

Why Mekis Are Killer Food
Why Mekis Are Killer Food

Mekitsa is a traditional Bulgarian dish made from dough that has been pre-kneaded. It is left to rise, ie. to swell. When it is ready, small balls begin to break out of it, which are spread in circles and fried in hot fat. They are usually served for breakfast with powdered sugar or other jam, as well as with cheese and optional additives. There are many recipes, the main difference between which is in the leavening agent and milk.

The Bulgarian generally loves fried foods, but mekis, a memory from childhood, come first. And this is because they usually become fatter, in the sense that the crispy crust obtained during frying drives the senses crazy. But that's where the danger lies.

When frying the mekis, the heated fat reaches temperatures in the range of 200-270 ° C. In them, both in the products and in the fat itself, changes occur. The lipid peroxidation reaction is obtained, i. in the fatty acid chains their unsaturated bonds are saturated with O2.


Thus begins the release of parasitic molecules with high energy - free radicals. When ingested, these radicals act as bombs that explode on the surface or inside the cells of the human body, thus disrupting the natural physiological processes that take place in them.

In some cells, it is possible for them to mutate and cause cancer. Most often this happens with the lining of the stomach. Of course, not for everyone, but the danger is real.

In general, cells have defense systems that neutralize free radicals, but any protection sometimes cracks. In this case, the result would be fatal.

To protect yourself, it would be wise to limit the intake of mekis and similar fried snacks. Another tip is to change the oil immediately after the first frying and if possible it should be vegetable oil.
