The Most Powerful Cancer Killer Is In These Two Ingredients

The Most Powerful Cancer Killer Is In These Two Ingredients
The Most Powerful Cancer Killer Is In These Two Ingredients

Eight million people die each year worldwide from the insidious diagnosis of cancer.

A number of studies conducted since 1970 by the Institute of Science and Health in Italy show that lemon destroys malignant cells of 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas.

The lemon tree is low, but takes up a lot of space. This fruit has a strong anticancer effect on our body, especially on cysts and tumors. Lemon has a strong antimicrobial effect against bacterial and fungal infections, against internal parasites and worms, regulates high blood pressure and is a great antidepressant, reducing stress and nervous disorders.

And the secret ingredient to it is baking soda.

In the morning on an empty stomach once a day drink lemon juice with added 1 tsp. baking soda without sugar and sweeteners, and the taste is pleasant as a natural lemonade.

The lemon - This magical fruit of health, has the ability to kill cancer cells and is thousands of times more powerful than chemotherapy.

Why don't we know that? Because there are organizations that do not want to be trumpeted about the wonderful qualities of this citrus. People die as long as this secret is carefully guarded so as not to jeopardize the profits of large corporations and drug manufacturers.


Lemon juice in combination with baking soda will change the body's pH to alkaline, which it actually needs to be to be healthy.

This type of treatment with lemon extract and bicarbonate only destroys malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy ones.

So help a friend who needs treatment by spreading this material and the knowledge that you should drink lemon juice with a little baking soda to prevent the disease.
