How To Help Your Body Easily Process Food

How To Help Your Body Easily Process Food
How To Help Your Body Easily Process Food

The problem of nutrition and the resulting disorders in the body, accompanied by pain and discomfort throughout the day, is becoming more common. The feeling is, to put it mildly, unpleasant, and worse, it also leads to serious problems such as colitis, gastritis, ulcers, etc., which require years of treatment. In an attempt to prevent this, people impose unbearable diets, count calories and suffer that today we can not eat this or that, and for chocolate and dough we do not even dare to think. However, all this leads to another disorder - loss of energy and disorders in our emotional state.

To help your body feel good, you first need to help it work properly. And this happens when we understand how it works and do not interfere with the functions and processes taking place in the gastrointestinal tract.

The process of food processing in all warm-blooded animals, including humans, is the same. Initially, the food, entering the oral cavity, is broken down, stored in the stomach, where acid denaturation occurs. It then enters the small intestine, where hydrolysis of the enzymes of the body and the enzymes in the food takes place, and finally reaches the large intestine, which forms the process of its evacuation.

How to help your body easily process food
How to help your body easily process food

At each stage of this process, one's own digestion takes place at different times. Depending on the type of food, it stays in the oral cavity for a few seconds, up to a few minutes, in the stomach - 2-4 hours, in the small intestine - 4-5 hours, in the large intestine - 12-18 hours.

At each stage, the body releases various enzymes inherent only in this stage. These enzymes are produced by the secretory glands located in the walls of the digestive tract. They have a strictly specific action depending on the type of food that enters, and support the process of food processing. Some enzymes are released for protein food, others for carbohydrate food, which is why they are released precisely when food enters the body.

How to help your body easily process food
How to help your body easily process food

In this case, the secretion begins in the oral cavity and follows the entire digestive tract. The processing and digestion of each type of food is also done in a separate department and requires different time. Fruits, for example, are digested in the small intestine, and the meat is first processed in the stomach for an interval of 2-3 hours, then in the small intestine. For this reason, many diets and diets are based on a separate diet - each type of food (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, acids, sugars) to be consumed at different times in the interval from 2 to 4-5 hours.

The second main thing we need to know about enzymes is that when I drink water and fluids during a meal, they are diluted or washed away to the lower parts of the digestive tract. As a result, the food will either remain in the stomach until the body releases new enzymes, or will pass unprocessed to the lower compartments, where putrefaction and bacterial decomposition can begin, followed by absorption into the blood.

How to help your body easily process food
How to help your body easily process food

To prevent this, the body directs its vital force to synthesize additional enzymes and over time the stomach begins to digest food well, develops gastritis, ulcers and a bunch of other disorders. It is therefore recommended that fluids be taken at least 10 minutes before a meal, but never during a meal. If you still need thirst, it is recommended to drink no more than 2-3 sips.

In addition, enzymes are active only at normal human body temperature. If the food is too hot or too cold, the enzymes will start their full action only when the temperature of the food normalizes.

Another important rule we learn from children is to chew our food as much as possible. Chewing enhances salivation, and saliva, in turn, helps to neutralize the acids formed during the fermentation of carbohydrates. At the same time, up to 6 liters of blood can be purified in the process of chewing through the salivary glands.

How to help your body easily process food
How to help your body easily process food

It is extremely important to know that the body needs time to "readjust" when switching from one diet to another. That is why it is important for the transition to be smooth, for the organism to be purified before starting a different way of eating. Excessive use of one type of food leads to a shortage of another, in which the body begins to look for its substitutes and even in the beginning we feel good, subsequently it can lead to fatigue, exhaustion, intolerance to certain products. In order to facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to observe consistency in the use of food products, taking into account their compatibility with each other, and the diet is balanced. We absorb just as much food as our vitamins and enzymes are enough for.

According to research in the biorhythms of the body's work, it has been found that energy is found in the stomach in the morning, in the small intestine at noon, and in the kidneys in the evening. Eating late at night disrupts the circulation of energy in the body, as some of this energy must be transferred back to the digestive tract. A person goes to bed with undigested food, which promotes the formation of mucus in the body. It is best to have dinner before sunset so that the body has enough time to process the food. The largest part of the daily intake should be at noon, and the lightest - in the morning.
