Farm Food Will Reach Us More Easily With A New Measure

Farm Food Will Reach Us More Easily With A New Measure
Farm Food Will Reach Us More Easily With A New Measure

A new measure in the rural development program will enter into force next year. Its goal will be to stimulate short food supplies in the country.

European subsidies will amount to 8m euros. They will support horizontal and vertical cooperation between all actors in the food supply chain. The plan was announced during the conference Farm Foods: How to shorten their path from producers to consumers by the state expert of the Rural Development Directorate, Dr. Eng. Maya Ninova.

In short supply chains, all intermediaries between producers and customers will be bypassed. The right to participate in the fight for subsidies will have associations that include farmers, small and medium enterprises and retailers.

The short supply chains are the markets within a radius of 75 km from the farm. They must carry out the production, processing and sale of certain goods.

The benefits of short circuits are numerous and have already proven their effectiveness in other European countries. Local farm foods stimulate the local economy and at the same time bring fair incomes to farmers. In addition, the carbon emissions from reduced transport are reduced, as is the amount of waste.

Farm food
Farm food

Such a shortened effect on the client in our country is extremely necessary, as the villages in our country are massively depopulated. People do not see the point of going back there and often forget about the many benefits of fresh and home-grown produce.

And interest in it is constantly growing. People are becoming more informed and healthy. However, many of them do not have the opportunity to buy such food, as finding local produce is still quite time consuming.
