Burning Point Of Various Fats

Burning Point Of Various Fats
Burning Point Of Various Fats

In this article we will explain what it is the burning point of most fats, which can be found on the Bulgarian market and which are the most widely used. We will focus on each fat separately and say what is the burning point of each of them.

We will also talk about which fat is suitable for frying and which for baking, which should not go through heat treatment at all. And how to use different fats and how to store them.

If you are an amateur chef or a professional, you should know that cow's and coconut oil are used for cooking, while cold-pressed olive oil is not. But these are not the only fats.

Different types of oil are available on our and the world market, such as peanut, sunflower, grape seed oil, sesame, corn oil and many others. But how do we know which of all these species oil is suitable for cooking and what is theirs burning point and maximum temperature, which they can reach and at what temperature it is appropriate to cook with them before reaching their burning point.

Once they reach this point, fats become dangerous and unhealthy for us.

You are probably also wondering which fat is suitable and which one to use for baking. Here it is important to say that the structure of fatty acids directly affects the movement of molecules and sensitivity and oxidation. The burning point is the moment when the fat starts to smoke and becomes harmful and unfit for consumption.

You've probably forgotten about a greased pan on the stove, and when you think about it, it's too late - there's thick smoke and a horrible smell all around you. This is due to the fact that it has reached its burning point. There are many types of fatwho have different burning points. There are degrees that serve as a guide, and the most important rule is: when cooking with fat, choose one that has a high burning point, and those that have a low burning point, use for salads or water the dish with them and after heat treatment.

If you want to cook food at a temperature of 180 ° C, you should choose a fat that has a burning point above 200 ° C. Unrefined fats have a lower burning point, which automatically makes them more suitable for salads than for cooking. The good thing about them is that they have a richer taste and aroma. Refined ones have a neutral taste, which makes them suitable for frying and sautéing.

Sauteing is a process that uses little fat but at a high temperature, so you need to be careful about what fat you use. Here are some types of oils and fats that you can easily find on the Bulgarian market. We will also mention the degrees that are indicative at which you can cook with them. You should know that these degrees are indicative. The burning point of cooking fat may occur earlier than the specified degrees.

Accurate of burning olive oil

Burning point of olive oil
Burning point of olive oil

First, we begin with His Majesty's olive oil. It contains a lot of monounsaturated fats. The burning point depends on the type of olive oil, if it is extra virgin - the burning point is 160 ° C, if it is virgin is 216 ° C, ointment - 238 ° C, extralight - 242 ° C.

If you are wondering which olive oil is used for what - extra virgin olive oil is suitable for flavoring salads. Many chefs claim that it is sacrilege to go through heat treatment. Refined olive oil is suitable for sautéing. It must not be used for frying.

Accurate of burning avocado oil

The next oil we will look at is avocado oil - this type of oil contains a large amount of monounsaturated fats / 70% /. It has a pleasant green color, pleasant and mild taste and aroma of avocado. The burning point of this type of oil is 271 ° C. It is suitable for very high heat treatment, because, as we have already said, it has a high burning point, it can also be used for flavoring salads.

Accurate burning of sesame oil

Sesame oil is widely used and popular in Asian cuisine. Its flash point varies from 175 to 210 ° C. Sesame oil can also be used for deep frying / light-colored oil /, and dark oil is used for lighter frying, as well as for flavoring salads.

Accurate burning of sunflower oil

The next oil is familiar to all of us and what we use most often in our daily lives - sunflower oil = The burning point of refined sunflower oil is 227 ° C, and unrefined - 107 ° C.

Refined sunflower oil is mostly used for baking and cooking, and unrefined - for flavoring salads.

Burning point of grape seed oil
Burning point of grape seed oil

Accurate of burning grape seed oil

The other oil is grape seed oil. This type of oil has a neutral taste and a medium-high burning point. The color is light or slightly yellowish. Its flash point is 200 ° C. It can be used for baking, sautéing, frying and for flavoring salads. It is recommended not to use for deeper frying.

Accurate burning of rice oil

The next oil we will focus on is rice oil. Rice oil is made from the husk of the rice grain / rice bran /, which is removed and processed. It contains a lot of monounsaturated fats. The burning point of this oil is 254 ° C. Used for frying, sautéing, baking, for flavoring salads.

Accurate burning of walnut oil

The next oil we will look at is the oil made from walnuts. It contains monounsaturated fats, is yellow in color and has a rich taste and aroma. Its flash point is 204 ° C. Used for sautéing, frying in a pan, and also for flavoring salads.

Accurate of burning peanut oil

Peanut oil burning point
Peanut oil burning point

The next oil is peanut oil. This oil, like sesame, is used in Asian cuisine and is rich in monounsaturated fats. Its flash point is 232 ° C. Used for frying, baking and salads.

Accurate of burning coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats. It is very often used to replace butter in baking. The burning point of coconut oil is 177 ° C. Used for baking and sautéing, but not for flavoring salads.

Accurate of burning butter

The next butter is the butter we all know. It contains a lot of saturated fat. Its flash point is 177 ° C. Used for light frying and baking.

GHI burning point
GHI burning point

Accurate of GHI combustion

The next oil is GHI or the so-called purified oil. Contains a lot of saturated fat. Its flash point is from 190 to 250 ° C. Can be used for frying, sautéing, baking.

Accurate of burning lard

Lard has been widely used in the past, unlike today. Its flash point is 182 ° C. Used for frying and baking.

No matter what fat you use, it must be stored properly to preserve its properties.

You should not keep the bottle of fat you use near heat sources. It should be stored in a dark and cool place.

You need to be careful when using grease for heat treatment a second time - you need to make sure that it is not rancid and that it has been stored well.

See also what is a healthy alternative to fat.
