A Thousand Tons Of Greenhouse Cucumbers With A Certificate In Our Country

A Thousand Tons Of Greenhouse Cucumbers With A Certificate In Our Country
A Thousand Tons Of Greenhouse Cucumbers With A Certificate In Our Country

100 tons of greenhouse cucumbers have so far been certified by the Inspectors for Quality Control of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables from the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency.

This month, inspectors began inspections of Bulgarian fruit and vegetable producers.

It became clear that the greenhouse cucumbers of domestic production have a very high class of quality and good taste, meeting the product specifications or in other words, the Bulgarian standards.

The certification takes place under the Scheme for improving the quality of fruits and vegetables produced in our country through specific support under Ordinance № 2 of 21 February 2011.

The ordinance is for the special requirements for participation in the approved schemes for national additional payments and for specific support.

According to the Ordinance, the control over the compliance of the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, field and greenhouse production, apples, cherries, peaches, including nectarines, apricots, including vegetables, with the product specifications approved by order of the Minister of agriculture and food.
